In the very broad sense of the word, sin can be defined as “anything that separates one from God.” From this we can learn certain things--mainly that the separation is of the spirit. Therefore, the effect of sin would become apparent first in the thought processes of the individual. This immediately rules out any physical action as being sin, but it places the responsibility of sin on the thought processes that generate the action. Another point is that we must believe that God exists. This must be a Spiritual knowledge. This Spiritual knowledge is manifested in our physical minds by certain actions that take place in our daily living. This is evidenced by our realization of right and wrong. Our desire for certain moral ethics stem from the fact that there is a God, and His influence is felt by even the spiritually unregenerated man.
Quite often we find those who do not believe in the basic fact of sin, yet they say they believe in God. This is a spiritual impossibility. Our knowledge of either one could not exist without the other. If there were no God, there could never be separation from Him. Therefore, the very fact that there is a God means that there is sin. In other words, one might say the proof of God’s existence is the fact that men recognize the presence of wrong.
So, on the basis of this truth, one cannot say that they believe God and yet have no sin. If a man says that he does not have sin, and yet says he believes in God, he deceives himself in this manner. He is accepting the belief of God in a purely academic manner and believes only with his mind. To believe in God only with the physical mind is to believe in God not at all. The one outstanding truth of all time is that GOD IS SPIRIT. Our physical mind can only conceive that which we know to exist, either in its pure form or a combination of forms or things as yet untried. The truth of the physical mind is that it conceives by association. If God were physical, then the physical mind could comprehend God. The deception of the physical mind is that man feels he can believe in a Spiritual God without a Spiritual experience. The result of this deception is made evident by man’s belief that he is not a sinner. So this truth emerges: sin, as well as God is Spiritually discerned. When a man is DEAD in his sins, he is not aware of them. Sin is separation from God; and if he’s not aware of God, then he is not aware of sin--sin, being not the discernment between the morally right and wrong concepts of man, but the Spiritual separation from God.
God has a power that will generate within the heart of man a Spiritual awareness that reveals both Christ and sin.
When man sees this, it then lies within his ability to choose the way that he desires.
Some will argue that man inherently knows that sin is confined within him, and that he must find a way of escape.
Therefore, he has endeavored to better his station in life by devoting his time and energies to developing his civilization and culture. The unsatisfied urge for contentment has caused him to be in a constant search for something that would satisfy his desires. There is some truth to this theory. The error lies in the direction of man’s search for contentment. Being ruled by his physical nature, he has sought material things, when what he needs is Spiritual things Spiritually supplied.
Sin brings death, while the negation of sin brings Life.
In the beginning was God, He made Heaven and Earth and all things. One thing is evident-- God, being the Creator of all things, gave life to all of living. Jesus Christ affirmed this when He said that He was Life. Therefore, Christ is the negation of sin in that He supplies Divine Life.
Observing the events of the beginning, we discover the fact that a certain thing brought about death, namely, the partaking of fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. If true Life is from God, who is Spirit, and we are to have this Life, then we must have God’s Spirit, and as such we will be Spiritual. If the assimilation of this fruit produced death, then death is a cessation of Spiritual Life. You see, it had to be a spiritual death that Adam and Eve experienced, because they still continued living in a physical form. God made a statement that they should die in the day that they ate this fruit. God cannot lie--Adam and Eve did die, but the death was spiritual. That’s because man himself is spiritual.
Now in this death a knowledge was produced that was vital to future regeneration. Man, in himself, knew good and evil. It now became necessary for him to distinguish the degree of this good and evil. To his reasoning it was of one degree, and to God it was of another. Not being aware of God (remember, man was spiritually dead), man was not aware of the fact that his sin was before God. His fellow men surround him on every side, and it was to these men that he felt his sin. Therefore, man sets up a program of social rules and conduct that is aimed at a better understanding of his fellow men. It is the violation of this code of ethics that the unregenerated man feels to be sin.
The basic reasoning back of this concept of sin is sound. It is sound in this respect: The violation of this code of ethics will separate the transgressor from society as a whole. In this respect of separation, it is sin. However, this sin is toward man. The error here is that man is not the judge and has no power regarding Spiritual matters that are concerned with Life and death. Therefore, he is not the one to deal with sin, which is in reality before God. Man’s responsibility and aim should be to live before God who is the true Judge, and the giver of Eternal Life which is itself Spiritual.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they did not hide from each other. They were aware of a changed condition--they knew that they were naked. This was an easy matter to correct in their own eyes, but the covering they provided that was sufficient for them, proved lacking when they stood in the presence of God. They hid, not from each other, but they hid from God. It was not until God showed his presence that man became AWARE of the death produced by sin. The truth of God’s Word was proven. “In the day that ye eat thereof ye shall surely die.” Perhaps more than any other statement in the Bible, this statement shows us that the Life of which God speaks is Spiritual, and that this was the kind of Life possessed by Adam and Eve. This is the Life that instructed Adam, and this is the Life that Adam died to when man lost his communion with God by being disobedient.
In the Spiritual state, Adam and Eve received their instructions regarding their conduct, directly from God. In himself, he had no knowledge of either good or evil; this knowledge was generated within man by his act of disobedience.
This gives us a hint of the absolute purity of God’s intention, and the purity of existence as God intended it to be.
Before each other, they realized they were naked, and they were ashamed, but this could be taken care of; they had the knowledge of good as well as evil, and they provided their covering before each other. This covering was sufficient as far as they were concerned. Then God appeared. Here man saw the standard or the highest degree of goodness; and because he saw this and knew it to be good, his position became apparent; he was ashamed and he hid. The covering that was sufficient in their own eyes was inadequate in the eyes of God. Man knew this because he was in a Spiritual presence. He now knew that Life was Spiritual, and that his spirit indeed had died. He knew this because he saw true Life in God.
Here is the picture of sin firmed up. First, man had an estate with God in which he was completely dependent upon God for knowledge and help. He possessed a Life that was SPIRITUAL although he did not know that it was Spiritual until he had lost it. It was sin that caused him to lose this Spiritual Life from God. Sin must, by its very nature, be a spiritual issue, because it separates us from a Spiritual God.
If being separated from the Spiritual source produces real death, then the problem is to nullify sin, so that we might be restored to Spiritual Life. The thing that nullified sin for Adam and Eve is the thing that nullifies sin for us today. In a very particular sense, it is the fact that GOD DID SOMETHING FOR US. Looking back to the beginning we have already seen that the material covering provided man by his OWN efforts was not sufficient for his meeting with God.
God was the one to do something; He provided the covering for man. This provision was sufficient because it had been supplied by God. This is the thing that was needed because the sin was against God. Therefore, it remained for God to provide the forgiveness.
Certain things are outstanding in this drama of forgiveness. These things did not happen by chance, but they happened because God created man as He did. Everyone today who would gain God’s forgiveness will follow the same pattern because there is no other way that will produce the same result.
When Adam and Eve sinned, they became aware of their nakedness; but as we already found, this was easily corrected in their own eyes. In the eyes of God, however, it was a different thing. The pride that said, “We can take care of this thing,” in their relation to each other was completely broken down when they knew they were to face their Creator. There was no pride of sufficiency when they met God. They hid.
And so, from this story emerges the first step on the way back to God: humility. A man cannot face God and say, “See, my covering is sufficient.” He cannot come to God claiming Spiritual Life because of his own ability, nor is righteousness produced by the works of man. The Life that is Spiritual belongs to God; it comes from God, and is generated by God, and it can be obtained from no other source. The pride of man, evidenced by his “homemade” covering, must be and always will be completely missing when he faces Christ. This is an unalterable law, MAN CANNOT RECEIVE ANYTHING FROM GOD WITH PRIDE IN HIS HEART.
Observe the direction of this pride. Many people who do not Spiritually know the Lord have looked upon some of those who profess Christ, and seen evidence of a very meek and subjected attitude. This is not necessarily a good testimony for the Lord in many cases. The Christians humility has been directed toward man, and as such, a reputation has been gained. This reputation generally identifies him as one who does not value his liberty and Christian principles enough to vigorously defend them by his everyday living. Man is by nature a proud individual, and he is not attracted to any display of weakness. His observation is that if this is being a Christian, he does not want it.
His feeling is that he must display this same type of humility if he is to be a Christian. As long as the demonstration of humility is so obviously directed to man, then it is directed by man, and the individual who does not know the Lord says, “I will not do this.” Mark this well because this is the condition that comes about when we try to produce within ourselves the evidences of God. Someone says that he needs the fruit of the Spirit in his life and that he will have to work hard to get them. This attitude is exactly the same as that evidenced by Adam and Eve when they tried to provide their own covering; it is not acceptable to God. Humility must be before God. Then it is that God will do something for you.
To be humble is to recognize one’s inferiority, or insufficiency. So, if we are humble, we must be humble to God because it is “He that hath made us, and not we ourselves.” He has created us ALL equal in His sight so that NO ONE can say of his relation to God that he has more than someone else. It is because of this that He has concluded ALL under sin so that ALL may obtain mercy. Salvation, the forgiveness of sin, is not of works, lest any man should boast. So, in the one respect that matters, humility must be realized before God. Any humility demonstrated before man that does not have, as a reason for its existence, the basic knowledge that the Lord God is Almighty is a false humility, and will serve not one whit in establishing man’s approach to God. Man was made to show humility only to God. Man can but deprecate himself in the eyes of his fellow men.
An individual who is humble before God will demonstrate a teachable attitude toward the things of the Spirit, yet he may conduct himself with authority toward his fellow man. He will demonstrate this attitude because he is sure of his position in the Lord. Certain principles of living will be clearly defined in his thinking, and this will lend to him a strength of character that is unique in that its basic root is found in God rather than man. This is the result of a humble attitude directed to God.
A man that has Christ is the possessor of a confidence that transcends the confidence of man, because it is generated by God and is God-given. A Christian realizes that all he has is his because of God’s mercy. Having personally experienced the effect of this mercy, he is sure of his possession, because he knows the mercy of God is real. The man without God is not so; he has not become aware of the things of God. This means that he must trust in his own ability to provide the confidence that he experiences. Quite often he will develop the attitude that “what is to be will be.” This attitude is not born out of knowledge from God. Many times the course of events has been changed because man has interceded with God. Still other times events have taken a certain path because God spoke to men, and men listened and obeyed.
Adam’s sin brought to him the knowledge that all was not well between him and his Creator, so when God came looking for him, he hid. It was then that God spoke, He called to Adam and asked, “Where art thou?” This is one of the musts in man’s return to God. GOD MUST SPEAK TO HIM. As in ALL of the things that count for God, this too is so simple as to be lost in its simplicity. Many folk have joined a church and think that this is giving their heart to the Lord. Others have been baptized at the instruction of someone, without actually feeling Spiritually compelled to take this step. It is because many follow this course without first hearing God speak that there are so many professing Christ, but so very few POSSESSING Him. It is the purpose of the Scriptures and of Bible teaching and preaching to cause a man to think of the Lord. Through the power of the Spirit, man (the hidden man of the heart) is then capable of hearing the voice of God. Adam heard that voice, and so will every man who comes to the Lord.
If Adam was to receive adequate covering to stand in the presence of God, the covering had to come from God; and if the covering came from God, Adam had to go to God to receive it. Even so today if we are to receive forgiveness of sin, we must receive it from God; and in order to receive it from God, we must go to God. There is no other way.
Christ is the only way.
When man goes to God to receive forgiveness for sins, he is made a NEW CREATURE. He is born again by the Spirit, and in this state he is reconciled to God (made one).
So, now we have seen the nature of sin, its effect, and remedy. God is Spirit, and if we are to be one with that Spirit, we must be of the same Spirit. Man’s spirit is dead within him because of sin. Our transgression had been against the Spirit. We cannot, by our own efforts, remove the effects of our transgression; rather we must come to Him and accept the covering that He provides. Then it is that we are BORN AGAIN by the power of the Spirit. We become a Spiritual creation, able to fellowship once more with not only our Creator, but our Savior as well.
The blessed joy of knowing our sins are forgiven by the mercy of God is voiced by the Apostle Paul when he says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.