The Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword, dividing even the soul and Spirit (Heb.4:2). If you can not make the distinction between flesh and Spirit, you will have no place to go when trouble appears; you will not know for sure where your salvation begins or ends.
God’s realm is a realm of Spirit. I know this is so because Jesus told us that God is Spirit. We had to be told because we are incapable, in the flesh, of seeing that which is Spirit or knowing anything about the Spirit. This is why we had to be born again, absolutely had to be born again, if we are to enter into the Kingdom of God, or even see the things of God.
Jesus said, very plainly, “If you are born of the flesh, you are flesh.” I understand that. He also said, very plainly, “If you are born of the Spirit, you are Spirit.” I don’t understand that.
Here are two things: one we can see with our physical eyes, and one we can’t see with our physical eyes. We have the Word of Jesus that the thing we can’t see is real. The thing we can’t see is God. I can not investigate this with my physical senses because I can not see anything to investigate. The only thing left for me to do is to believe what Jesus told me.
If I accept what Jesus told me, that He is the Son of God, I must believe that He knows what He is talking about. If I listen to Him attentively, I find that He tells me the way things are, and He tells me the one thing that I must do--I must believe His Words! The Bible tells me that Truth came by Jesus Christ, so I can believe Him. There is no other way.
Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for us to live in the Father. Because of His preparations, I am born again. I am actually born of God! This is why I live in God. I can not live in God if I live in the flesh because God is not flesh. I can never be made like Him, in His image and likeness, and just be flesh. I must be born of the Spirit; I must have God’s Life within me if I am ever to be like Him. The Bible tells me that if I receive Jesus, God will give me power to become a child of God. This is not a physical heritage; it is not because of any intellectual power--it is God’s way. I can not change that, nor do I want to. It is this new Life that I must be aware of, and be sensitive to and live in, if I am to be what God means for me to be.
Now, if I am a new Creature in Christ, it naturally follows that if I am not in Christ, I am not a new Creature. If I could have been what God wanted me to be out of Christ, there would have been no need for Jesus to have died. It is by His death that God broke the bondage of sin for everyone who receives Jesus. I have the privilege of accepting His death as my own. Not only is it a privilege, it is a necessity, for without His death I can not have His Life. Or, to put it another way, I can never live in God and still live in the flesh. The flesh is Satan’s domain; the Spirit is God Himself.
Satan can not live in God. But I can live in God, because, and only because, I have accepted the death of Jesus as being my own death. Because I have done this, God has given me His Life. Therefore, in Christ, I have been born again, I am a new Creation.
God lives in me and I live in Him. This is something that I can not see with my physical eyes, and it is something that I can not understand with my physical mind. This is why the world can not receive God except they receive Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “They see Him not, neither do they know Him…” It is because I believe this that I have a place to live that is not seen, and not understood by the world. Because I believe Jesus and accept His death as being my death, I have entered into a new realm. I have entered into God.
In order to do this, how shall I say it, I must see what I can’t see. I must know that something exists that my mind says doesn’t exist. Unless this unseen realm (unseen by my senses) becomes real to me, I can not enjoy living in it. I will never know whether I am there or not. If I go by what my physical senses say, I will never know God! I may believe things about Him, but I can never know Him. If God is my refuge, and I do not know Him, then I do not know my refuge. If God is my comforter, and I do not know Him, then, I do not know my comforter. If I do not know my comforter, I can not be comforted. If God is my Life and I do not know Him, then I am not aware of, nor can I know that I live in God.
This leaves me with only the life of the flesh about which my physical mind says, “Ah! That I do know.” It leaves me with only things I can see. The things that my eyes see are things that are not of God’s realm. I can see only material things. Because of this longing within my heart, and with this void that is there, (the longing that only God can satisfy) I have a struggle within myself. Everything that is about me seems to be wrong. I am not aware of that which my eyes can not see; I am not aware of that which my senses can not feel. I am aware of only the material, physical surroundings, and the feeling of the emotions that are strong within me. Things do not seem to come together right. I am troubled and have no place to go because I am not aware of that which I can not see. I am not aware of God. I am only aware of my wants and desires and needs. There IS a place of comfort; there IS a place of rest. There IS a place of knowing that the God of All Things has provided a place for us to live in His heart. There is a place of knowing the protection of God. Listen to this: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” I believe that God will protect me always in all things. Again, listen to this: “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper.” The things of the flesh tear at me; they would turn my thoughts from the Lord. I know that this is the way of Satan; his purpose is to destroy me. But God has determined that I live in Him in this unseen realm. There is nothing in this world that can remove me from the love of God which is mine in Christ Jesus.
God has provided all these things for me, I might as well be aware of it. And I can be aware of it IF I do not let any thought that is contrary direct my mind. I can not even consider contrary thoughts! Before I believed Jesus and accepted Him, I had no recourse but to work out things for myself the best way I could. I had no unseen God in which I could live and to whom I could turn, because I was not born again. I longed for something, so I came to Jesus. I believed Him, He was that link with reality. He was a man who lived in this world of flesh. He told me the things of God. Could I believe Him? Yes! I decided that I would believe Him. I needed Him. I came to Him and God accepted me in His Son, and gave me His Life. Now, because I believe Jesus, I have entered into God.
I still can not see Him. Nor can I, in any way, understand how all these things can be, but I have His Word. He has let me know that even though the Heavens and the Earth pass away, His Word will not pass away, nor will it change. He told me not to accept any thought that is not in agreement with His Word. He calls them “vain imaginings.” Cast them out! Turn from them! Have nothing to do with them! Bring every thought to God. Be obedient to Him in every thought.
Then you will not have to worry about your actions because the power in God’s Word will transform you. When we are obedient to God in every thought, then our every action will be according to His will.
I have come to believe that which I can not see does exist. I believe that I have been made to be a new kind of creation in Christ, which no one can see but God. I believe that I live in Christ and I believe that He is the Almighty God. I believe that He cares for me. I have Eternal Life because I live in God and only because I live in God.
Sometimes, if I do not stand guard on my mind, it will drift back into the old ways of thinking. Then, because I have not brought every thought to the Lord, these undisciplined thoughts take hold of me and destroy my peace. The Bible tells me that this will happen; it says that the carnal mind brings death. There is no changing this, it is God’s Word; it is true forever. But, if I let God’s thoughts rule my mind, if I bring every thought to the Lord and give them to Him, then God’s mind will direct my life and I will enter into Life and peace.
It is because of God’s Life within me (this is not something that my physical eyes can see, nor do I understand how it can be) that I have peace and contentment in my soul. It is reflected through me so that others can see. Where they would have trouble, I have a peace that they can not understand. Then I can tell them about the wonderful Life that God has prepared for us. I can tell them so much more about the Love of Jesus when I live in it.
I am persuaded that it is the place to live, every moment of every day, every minute and every instant of my life. I am determined to live there. That which I can not see with my physical eyes does exist and nothing is going to separate me from the Love that is in Christ Jesus. Now, because I believe His Word, I have a place to live that the world can not see.
My prayer is that I will never be foolish enough not to live in the place that God has provided for me. With that prayer, I say, “Amen.”