I can in no way overemphasize the importance of turning to God, who is Spirit, to find the answer for all problems that arise in life.
Quite frequently we cling to something that we think is to be, or should be, and yet we do not see the material realization of that thing. We are torn then between saying that we have understood something to be that is not to be, or that God is wrong. We can not say that God is wrong, and we are extremely unwilling to say that we are wrong, so we attempt to evolve a thought, or a theory, that will embrace both the material and the Spiritual. This cannot be done! There is nothing of the flesh that will inherit the Kingdom of God. God’s Kingdom is of the Spirit--it always has been, and it always will be.
The Scriptures teach that if you sow to the flesh, you will of that very thing, reap destruction. If you sow to the Spirit, you will of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting.
Many people revel in the Old Testament. The function of the Law, and the Old Testament is to bring us to Christ. If we refuse to be brought to Christ and live in the things that He has provided, then we will still be bound by the flesh.
We will still look for the things our eyes can see, we will still say, “How long until your Kingdom will be set up?” We will still judge Spiritual progress by the evidence of our physical senses.
As long these conditions exist, there will be turmoil, confusion and defeat in our spirits.
We are Spiritual Creatures--our life is of the Spirit, our knowledge is of the Spirit, all that we are is Spirit. The Spirit is not, never has been, nor will it ever be, subject to the flesh. The Spirit is God. God made the flesh; the flesh did not make God. Flesh hides from God; flesh fights to get away from God; flesh is not subject to God, nor will it ever be.
The Old Testament points to Christ. Christ says, “I am the way.” If I am to arrive at the place God desires, if I am to be restored to God, then I must go by “the Way.” The way takes me from the flesh and presents me to God. In Christ I am removed from the flesh and placed in the Spirit. All things now have become new, because I have access to a new realm. No more now will I look for the things of the flesh, or the things the flesh could live in, because in Christ I have already considered the flesh to be dead.
How can I say I am a Spiritual Creature, dead to the flesh, and yet look forward to a physical heaven--a physical kingdom? How can I say I have reckoned the flesh dead and yet demand the things of the flesh? How can I say I have laid my treasure in the things of the Spirit and yet search for and fight for the things of the flesh? How can I divide my life into two contrary realms and say I have yielded self entirely to the Spirit? If I am to follow the Spirit, I can not long for, or follow after the flesh. It is Satan’s job to cause discontent, and it is our responsibility to refuse to accept any thought that could cause discontentment. These thoughts must be brought into captivity. We dare not entertain doubt, or confusion, or discontent.
To say, “How long must I endure?” is to say Christ has not endured for me. But it was prophesied of Christ that He HAS borne my sorrows and carried my grief. He was made flesh to do that. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him. He bore my unrighteousness, took my sin, died my death.
He endured these for me.
These are all things that the flesh is subject to. He became flesh that I might become Spirit. Shall I make His death of no effect by continuing to look after and follow in the ways of the flesh? Or shall I accept His death for mine by fleeing from every thought of the flesh, and cling to the new Life of His Spirit? I must believe my new Father. He will supply all of my needs. He said He would do this by Christ Jesus. I must have the assurance that He will do this because He said He would.
It is Satan’s job to get me to think I need something that I do not have, and then to get me to dwell on this thought.
The more I dwell on this, the more I am convinced that I am being cheated of something that I am supposed to have.
If I am to embrace this thought, I am accepting something that is contrary to the definite expression of God. He said that He will supply all my needs. Any thought contrary to that is a lie, and is of Satan, and dare not be entertained. It must be cast out. If my Father says He will supply my needs, and there is anything that suggests that my needs are not supplied, then that thought is not of God and is actively hostile to the peace of God. Sometimes Satan's approach is to tempt us by saying that we are creatures of the flesh, and as such we must give heed to the flesh. The Disciples were considering this at one time. Jesus pointed out that the lilies didn’t work or worry, and yet they had all the things that God meant for them to have. Then He told His Disciples a very important thing, “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things will be added to you.” Again, Jesus taught that anyone who wants to save their own life will lose it, but if anyone will lose their life--let go of it, that one will really find life.
That’s the way we come into the fullness of God--by losing ourselves. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature." The old one is no more, it is passed away.
How can I say I believe this and still seek gratification of my physical sense? Why do I say I am a Spiritual Creature and still look for a physical kingdom? If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin. Satan says to us that this isn’t so, that we know perfectly well that our body is very much alive. GOD SAYS THAT IT IS DEAD! If I believe God, then I will say that my body is dead, and the life that I now live in the flesh is God living in me. Therefore I will not pay attention to the body, rather to the Christ that is in me. I AM A SPIRITUAL CREATURE.
If I am not willing to accept this Spiritual fact, then I am cutting myself off from the victory that is mine in the Lord. If I am willing to accept this Spiritual fact, then I must actively possess it. I can not take my ease and say to the Spirit, “Here I am, lead me.” The Kingdom of Heaven is only possessed by those, who by faith, do the things that God shows them to do. Remember that Jesus said that He did the things that His Father showed Him to do. When we exercise God’s faith within us, we will be encouraged and amazed at the greatness of God’s love when our Spirits receive knowledge from God.
But just to have the knowledge is not to have the victory. Noah by faith knew there would be flood waters, but this knowledge didn’t save him. He had to act, so though he had never seen flood waters, he built the Ark. He never had any little showers in between times to encourage him--he operated by faith.
Just the nature of the word faith is to believe in something that is not apparent to the physical senses. We must live in faith! By faith, then, the Spirit is real--not by sight.
The Spirit must be real to me or else I can not follow its leadings.
I exercise faith by casting down my imaginings and reasonings that are based on what my senses say exist, and I look confidently and serenely to the things that do not exist to my senses.
Faith says: The Spirit is the Truth.
Faith says: The Spirit is Life.
Faith says: The Spirit is my Strength.
Faith says: The Spirit is my Joy.
Faith says: The Spirit is Victorious.
So by exercising the power of faith, I can say, “I have Life, I have Truth, I am strong, I have Joy, I am Victorious.” Anything that is contrary to this is contrary to God. It’s a lie, and if I give heed to it and follow after it, I am giving heed to and am following after the flesh.
Jesus Christ was crucified to redeem me--to take me away from the flesh and to bring me to the Spirit.
He has provided the way. He has given me the faith--I must exercise it.