Christ is in me. I’m not boastful; that is just the way it is. God set up things that way. People can laugh, mock, or do whatever they want; it doesn’t change God’s way of doing things.
God is in me because I believe in Jesus Christ. He is in me perfectly, completely, and entirely. All of God is in me, waiting for me to let Him work! God arranged it this way so He could perfectly do His will in this world. Our minds are not capable of understanding what is in the mind of God; therefore, we could not receive instructions and carry them out. Jesus indicated this when He said that of Himself He could do nothing; even the words He spoke were not His own. Paul understood this when he said that it was Christ living in Him, and again it is God who works in you both willing and doing His good pleasure.
I might as well come face to face with it. I can’t do God’s will. I, my old carnal self, do not even know God’s will. I do not know what to pray for as I should; it is only the Spirit, or the mind of God that can make intercession according to the will of God.
I have that Spirit! Christ is in me. He is the One who is making me to be alive right now, even while I am in this mortal body.
I know all of this because the Word of God tells me so. I can’t prove one little bit of it to any one, but me, and what I have is not proof; it’s faith.
Faith is my only touch point with God. There is nothing that reaches from the flesh to the Spirit other than faith. Jesus said that if I would believe in Him I would live even though I was dead. My mind can’t comprehend Life in the midst of death, but that is what the Word of God declares, so I have Life and there is nothing that can overcome this Life; it is Eternal. There are not many creatures of Eternity; there is only One who is Eternal, yet I am Eternal. I do not have Eternal Life of myself. Jesus is my Life; it is Christ in me. I am in Him. I am hid with Christ in God. I am wrapped about by God’s love, so therefore I Live.
Christ is in me, not only so that I might have Eternal Life, but He wants me to yield my faculties to Him so that others may see and hear and know His love.
If I live only to myself, I have not yet seen the love of God. If there is no desire to share with others the Life, and joy, and victory I have received from Christ, then I am not sure of my God.
I have a purpose. My purpose is not just to be saved from my sins; that is God’s purpose to save me from my sins.
My purpose is to yield myself wholly to God so that He can do with me as He wants to do with me. I have no other purpose in this life. I have tasted God’s love. I have been made complete because of it. I have been made a partaker of the Divine nature of God.
I have been lifted out of the bondage of this world and given a place in the heart of God. I have found the abiding place that Jesus prepared for me. I am living in my God. There is no lack in this Life. It is a perfect Life because it is Christ living in me. I have a job to do too. It’s all tied up with my purpose. The fact is I can’t even begin to let God use me until I get along with my job. I desire God to use me. I want that so much, but nothing seems to happen. I. get discouraged when nothing seems to happen, but the whole reason for it is that I haven’t done my job. Sometimes we get so intent on trying to do the Lord’s work that we forget to do our own. Actually God will never do any work through us until we do our own work first.
Our job is to present our bodies to the Lord. If we want people to know the Lord, and we know that we have the Lord, then the thing to do is to move among people and let the Lord move in us. My job is just to live among people and let the Lord move me. I can not do God’s job and He can not do mine, so the sooner I learn that I must do my job before God can do His, the sooner it will be that broken hearts will be healed and the captives set free. The sooner it will be that the weak shall be strengthened, and the fallen lifted up. Actually it is all dependent upon me doing my job. The Lord is capable of doing His and He is eager to get along with it. I’m the only one holding Him up.
Sometimes it seems hard to know how to present our bodies to the Lord. That’s only because we don’t know the Lord. It is not difficult for us to conform to the things that are seen, and so we do more readily tend to accept rules of physical doing than the laws of the Spirit. As long as we are not clear in our minds that God is Spirit, we will tend to ascribe physical attributes to Him. This places our mind in the morass of carnal thought; so, therefore, we fail to know God as He is.
We unconsciously are aware of the fact that we are meant to be like God so it becomes the duty of the carnal mind to obscure the fact that God is Spirit. The mind will go along with all the good that is God, but the mind will seek to find a way to attain this perfection without the benefit of the Spirit. The way can never be found. That is why Paul says, “The things that I would do, I do not.” If the mind can continue unchecked in its belief of a God that is likened to physical man, we will never know God as He is; therefore, we will never be able to give Him our bodies. If this isn’t done, then God will never be able to work through us as He desires, and our hearts shall continue to be overcome with longing and we shall be filled with despair.
God can not be known by the carnal mind, He is known by the revelation of the Spirit that is Christ. “No man can know the Father save the Son, and Him to whom the Son will reveal Him.” The Law of the Old Testament was provided so that man could be kept confined within a certain way so he could be presented to Christ. It was impossible for man to know God then even as today; he was kept by the Law. Jesus Christ came, and to Him was given the knowledge of the Father. Now, by His mercy, I know the Father because I believe the Words of Jesus.
“God is Spirit, I and my Father are One.” “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” I must be born of the Spirit in order to see the Kingdom of Heaven; these are the Words of Jesus and I believe them. He spoke further. He said whosoever would believe in Him would have everlasting Life. He promised that He would come to me and make His abode in me; then He preserves His Word and says that it is Christ in me who is my hope of Glory.
I see a God who is not confined to a physical realm. I see a God who is Spirit, and He has made me like Himself.
Even as I could not understand God until I understand that He is Spirit, so I will not be able to understand my place in Him until I understand that I am Spirit. I must understand these things if I am to yield my body to Christ. I must understand this: That which yields my body is not my body, but the thing that controls my body. This controlling factor is me--my will. The environment about me is one of materialism. It is the realm of Satan. It is a realm that belongs to the five senses.
It is the realm in which we live our physical lives. Our will has been ruled by the senses so that there seemed to be no other choice than to go along with what we could ascertain by the reasoning of our mind. Our mind is not subject to God’s laws; therefore, our mind can not know God. In ourselves we do not have the will to go contrary to the dictates of our mind because we have let our will be ensnared by our mind. We have been held captive by that which does not know God. We have been bound by that which is not God’s truth. Jesus said that we should know the truth, and the truth would make us free.
The truth that I needed to know was that God is Spirit and is not conformed to the same boundaries that my flesh has. The truth that I need to know is that I have been liberated from this bondage by being made like God. That is what being born again means. Jesus said, “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit,” therefore it is not presumptuous for me, having been born of the Spirit, to claim Spiritual Life. If I have Spiritual Life, it is different than the physical life that is controlled by my physical senses; therefore, it is not right to allow my will to be dominated by that which does not know Christ. By recognizing Christ, I am set free from the dominion of my mind, and I can now make a choice. By recognizing Christ, I recognize that the way of thinking that my mind dictates is the way of death, and the way of Christ is the way of Life. When I absolutely believe this, then I will follow the way of the Spirit. My soul desires Life, and my soul knows that true Life is only in God. I believe that Christ spoke the truth, and because of that, I believe that I am a Spiritual, born-again creation of God.
Knowing that God is Spirit, I now know what to look for. Knowing that I am a Spirit, I know that there is within me the capability of knowing God and understanding Him. He has told me that I have received of His Spirit so that I might know the things of God. When I believe this, I will not seek to utilize my physical senses to understand the things of God. Rather, I will bring all of my physical being into subjection to the Spirit and learn of God.
In this, I am beginning to renew my mind. No longer am I thinking like I did when all things had to be approved by the mind; there is a choice to make. I can make this choice now because I am free.
I choose to follow God’s Spirit! How can I follow that which I can not see? I have been doing it all my life. Many times we have done certain deeds, not because we stopped to reason them out, but simply because we felt an urge to do them. We gave ourselves over to this thought, or urge, and performed the deed. Sometimes the deed was a kindness done to someone, and sometimes it may have been a malicious thought or act. In these cases, we have either given ourselves over to the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of anti-christ.
When we read the Bible and accept it as a revelation of God, then we become aware of what God is. We become aware of His nature; and because the Word of God is light, we see the nature of man without God. When we are thoroughly convinced that God does not lie, we no longer try to protect ourselves and cover our shortcomings because we see that Jesus took those upon Himself and they were destroyed when He was crucified. Therefore, we turn from the old dead thing to the new nature of Christ in us. We do the urging of His Spirit because we know that these are the things that bring Life, and freedom, and victory.
I will not entertain thoughts of doubt, discouragement, defeat, despair, unhappiness, hate, revenge, worry, and such like. I will center my mind on Christ and what He is. Then I know that all that He is I am because He is living in me. I will yield myself to His Spirit; and if I feel the urge to say words of kindness, I will say them because it is Christ in me.
When I feel the urge to do a deed of kindness, I will not say, “Is this right?” I will do the deed because it is Christ in me. When these deeds require my voice, then I am yielding that part of me to my Father; and I know that it is He that Has inspired me to say this thing because I, in myself, am not inclined to kindness. In my flesh here is no good thing.
Many times God has moved in our lives and led us to say a comforting thing to someone that needed comforting, but we did not yield our bodies to the Lord, so the Lord could not say that Word that needed to be said. Sometimes God has caused a thought to enter our mind to visit a certain person. We have meant to do this, but we just never got around to it. We have not yielded our members to be used of God.
Now the reason for our procrastination is not that we do not want to do God’s will, but rather it is because we do not recognize that it is God who is leading us along these lines. We are concerned as to what people think, or we will try to analyze why it is we thought this thought, or we will just plainly not deem it important enough to do anything about it. Perhaps we will say to ourselves, “Why should I put myself out for that?” Not finding a logical answer, one that is accepted by our mind, we promptly forget about it.
We must renew our mind. This automatically means that we will think about God and desire to do His will. The mind that is not renewed thinks only about itself and the things that bring pleasure it. When we keep our mind renewed, keep it stayed on the things of God, then we will receive His thoughts; we will be directed by Him. Then we are in the place to yield our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord who loves us and wants to show Himself to the world through us.
God’s will done through us is not necessarily a spectacular thing, it is not n necessarily a. very logical thing to do, but it is a. very important thing to do because it is Christ in you, and He is working out His will through you.