We have been talking about a lot of things lately that have to do with our spirit. We’ve been talking about our carnal mind, and the Spirit of God. It’s more or less understandable that you should desire more clearly defined boundaries of these various things.
Back in Genesis when God made man, the Bible says, “God formed man out of the dust of the earth (material things) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of Life (Spiritual things) and man became a living soul.”--Gen.
2:7. This soul belonged to man, but man himself was created a spirit being. When the Bible speaks about believing with the heart, when Paul talks about the “inward man” or the “spirit of man,” this is all one and the same thing. It’s not nearly so confusing when we know that.
Perhaps just a little review about the way man was made might be a great help. Man was made of three things, we call them body, soul and spirit. We could say body, spirit and Spirit, but that would be confusing. The soul houses the spirit of man, and the Spirit of God is the Life of man’s spirit.
Before the “Fall,” there was only one thing predominate in Adam, the Life of God, or the Spirit of God. Adam’s spirit or the inward man was in all ways subject to God. Quite naturally it follows that the body followed along and was subject to the things of God.
There were all the senses of the body in operation, but none of them were dominating. None of them DICTATED to man. They were placed in his body to SERVE. Man’s body also has a mind and it was through the senses that the mind learned. The senses, the mind, and the body were all made of the dust of the earth; therefore, they are subject to the same decay. “From dust you came, and to dust you shall return.”--Gen. 3:19 There is within man both a soul and a spirit. This needs clarification because man himself is a spirit. He is like God. However, the human spirit cannot learn the things of God by material means; it must learn by Spiritual means.
We read in the Bible that the Voice of God talked to Adam in the “cool of the day.” Nothing has changed. There is only one way for man’s spirit to learn, and that is to HEAR the Voice of the Lord. “Faith cometh by hearing the WORD of God.”--Rom. 10:17. Of course, we often claim to know all these things, but sometimes our actions do not always agree.
Man’s spirit was born in sin (that means separated from the Spirit of God), and shaped by iniquity. That means he was taught, or formed by unrighteousness, things that are contrary to the Spirit of God.
We must tie that thought together with what happened to Adam and Eve to really see what it means. Our first parents were not dumb. They had a mind and they had keen, observing senses of the body. It was by these senses that their mind became full. They learned many things--how to hunt, how to prepare food, how to use the myriads of things that were theirs. They had many things because the Bible tells us that all things were made for man.
But, never forget this one thing: None of these things dictated to them. Their source of Life was God, and He talked to them in the cool of the day. He satisfied their soul. There was communion and perfect understanding between God’s Spirit and man’s spirit. There was harmony, and peace, and contentment.
Then entered Satan. He had no rapport with man’s spirit, so he attacked the mind. This was the thing in his realm.
So he began to question Eve’s position.
When Eve stepped out of the place of the Spirit by listening to the questioning of the mind, there was trouble! Now for the first time, the carnal mind was being treated as a master. Always before it was this Voice that came in the cool of the day. Now it was the mind.
One can just imagine Satan thinking, “If I can only get this soul, this spirit of man, to listen to the mind rather then that Voice (Word of God), I’ve got it made.” That’s what happened, too! Eve listened, and she REASONED, and she obeyed, not God, but her mind.
Notice the realm that this opened up. Immediately their eyes were opened. This doesn’t mean that they had gone around with their eyes closed before, but it does mean that what their eyes previously saw made absolutely no difference to their living as far as right and wrong were concerned. But now they had some knowledge--right and wrong sense knowledge. Their senses exerted a powerful influence. They found themselves in a place where their mind, instructed by their senses, was telling them what to do. They were now considering Satan’s suggestion as truth. No longer was it the voice (Word) of God that was given first priority. They allowed Satan’s word to be exalted above the knowledge of God. They believed the wrong spirit.
“Immediately their eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked,” and they made for themselves coverings from leaves.
So, you see, here was the crux of the whole situation.
They obeyed their mind and senses rather than the voice of God. They leaned to their own understanding. They allowed themselves to consider a suggestion made by Satan. Think about that, it’s rather an important thing. As long as they followed after the Spirit, everything was subject to God.
Once we get a clear understanding of how sin entered the world, then we can better understand the scripture. When we see that we are the guard over our minds and that we can bring our minds into submission to the things of the Lord, then we will hear the voice of God, and know the way of salvation.
Paul said that we were to present our bodies unto the Lord. Our bodies are no good without our minds; and if we are to yield our members unto God as instruments of righteousness, then we cannot be conformed to this world of unrighteousness. Our mind will be renewed only when we bring it into submission to the instructions of the Spirit of God. Then it is that our soul is restored to God. Our spirit is lost again in God, and we are ONE with God. I pray God that this truth will be so forcibly brought home to us that we will never forget it.
There was a time when we did not know God. Our spirit was kept in bondage to our mind. Even though our spirit was made by God, and for God, it had not the least chance of becoming one with God as long as our mind controlled it. The mind in turn was controlled by Satan.
One day things happened. The knowledge of God came to us and we understood that Jesus set us free. We claimed that freedom, and our spirit was restored to God.
Satan knows that this freedom is a REALITY and he can’t do anything about it. He also knows that the choice of living in this freedom is ours, and if we purpose to live in the grace of God, there is nothing he can do about it. His power over the children of God has been completely broken. The only thing he can do is resort to his old trick of attacking the mind. Because the mind has been taught by the senses, Satan says, “Look at this.” “You feel that? What about those desires?” And because we have been shaped by things which are contrary to God, we give heed to Satan’s lies and thereby lose our victory.
Our battle is to bring the mind into CAPTIVITY to the things of the Spirit, and not allow it any freedom outside of God. This is the only way that we are ever going to prove what the will of God is for our life (Rom. 12:1-2).
When your mouth begins speaking the Words of God, you (your spirit) will know that your mind is subject to the things of God. That’s why the Psalmist says, “His Words shall not depart from my mouth.” One of the first things that we have confessed in the Lord is that of salvation. The mind was brought into subjection for that confession. According to God’s Word we believe that if we confess with our mouth, and believe in our hearts (spirit), we shall be saved! We have gotten that victory over Satan because we have moved in faith--we have acted upon God’s Word.
Too many people stop at this point, they never seem to go on. Watch their testimony and you’ll see why. They continually confess to how strong Satan is, and how human they are. They are continually confessing how weak and unworthy they are. They are engrossed in their “work for the Lord,” and then they say that all their selfrighteousness is as filthy rags. They never confess to the righteousness of God in them. They go right on living in their filthy rags.
Even though these folks have confessed salvation, and received it, SATAN IS STILL RULING THEIR MIND to the extent that they will not confess their righteousness and strength in the Lord. When the Word of God declares that I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ, then I can confidently say the same thing. I can boldly declare that I am righteous. I may not be righteous in the eyes of those about me; perhaps I am not conforming to their ideas or standards. But this makes not one bit of difference. I am righteous in the eyes of God and it is before Him I stand or fall.
When we understand this truth, we will fearlessly and gladly confess the Word of God. We will confidently live in the presence of God, knowing that we are in right standing with Him. We may boldly ask whatever we will because our Father has told us that we may. “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.”--John 15:7 When we KNOW we have right standing before our Father, we also realize that we may use all that the Father has given us. We have received all power so that we may know that no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper. This is part of our heritage in the Lord. We have been given the full authority of the name of Jesus. That Name has been lifted up far above all principalities and powers so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue confess (acknowledge) that He is Lord. It is the will of God that we cast out demons and unclean spirits. It is His will that we heal all manner of sickness and disease. We know this, because He gave us the authority to do it! This may seem pretty confident talking, but it is the Word of God. There is no doubt in this testimony. The man who will confess this does not have to ask for faith; he is already confessing the Words of faith. When He knows that these Words are for him, he lives in them. When he does that, he is living in faith.
The thing that keeps us from confessing these things is a feeling of unworthiness, of unrighteousness. That’s from the devil! We are accepted in the beloved because God has made it so. We are righteous before God because God has made it so. We are the workmanship of God created in Christ (Eph. 2:10).
That’s faith speaking. There is nothing in heaven or hell that can change that fact. “Forever, oh Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven.” That’s the only thing that is real and enduring. So, therefore, that is the only avenue to faith.
Your mind can learn faith, because your mind can be taught of God. The carnal mind has been shaped by iniquity and must be renewed in the knowledge of God.
God has provided the way and He has told us His law concerning it. He said not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, and in this way we could PROVE the perfect will of God (Rom.12:1-2).
That will is that He should live in us and that His faith should be active in us. His will is that our lives should glorify God, and without faith it is impossible to please God.
There is much good in Christ to think about. Your mind-- bring it into subjection to God’s Spirit. Confess with your lips the things that God says and pattern your life by God’s Word. As these things become a part of you, you will become less and less aware of faith, but more and more aware of God. Inasmuch as God IS faith, you will have all that you need (Phil.4:13, 19).
You will know this is true right now because His Word declares that He WILL supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. As you become more aware of God in you, you will become aware of victorious living because Christ is the victor over all things. You will become aware of peace because He has given you His peace. Are not these the things for which you desired faith? Now they are yours, and you are not conscious of faith, but of Christ.
This is as it should be, because the Word declares that we should be “looking to Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our Faith”--Heb. 12:2