Thoughts! They are odd things. I wonder if I could say there are two classes of thought. The first is that kind of thought that pertains to the study of the sciences or has to do with the practice of the arts, and the second kind has to do with thoughts that make you what you are. That’s not a very good description, but maybe as more words come, it will clear up. There is really a sharp line of demarcation between the two. And yet very few are there who are aware of it. Thoughts are just things you think about, they say, and let it go at that.
We can choose the thing we want to study, put our mind to it, and learn. This falls into the first category of thought.
What we are going to do with what we have learned is determined by thoughts that fall into the second category.
These thoughts are not our own. Even though they are in our mind, they come from either Satan or God. Our privilege is to know this and choose the right thoughts.
Let me illustrate a little bit of what I mean about these two categories of thought: Let us say two men have set their mind to the task of becoming expert with side arms. They both sacrifice of their time to spend long hours in practice. They are learning a skill. Each one is subject to the same discipline required to achieve success. All of this falls into the first category of thought. Now here is the difference, and the thoughts that make this difference fall into the second category. One is working diligently so he can live outside the law, while the other is learning the same skill so he can uphold the law.
Again, one man studies the Bible to learn more of God, while another studies it so he can argue against it.
Again, one man does a good deed because of the love of God within him, while another does a good deed to gain an indebtedness.
Again, one man goes to church to worship God and to fellowship with those of like mind, while another goes to church to further his social position.
And so it is, in every phase of our living. There are thoughts that give reason to our actions. It is these thoughts that reveal what manner of men we are. I repeat--these thoughts are not our own, but it is our privilege to choose those thoughts which will dominate us.
Let us look at what happened to Eve. The thoughts that led to disobedience were not hers, but they were given to her by Satan! She accepted them, dwelt on them and partook of their fruit--death.
Paul says, “To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Man has not majored this truth, he does not know the division between these two great categories of thought. Paul understood it and wrote about it. The writer of the book we call Hebrews says that God’s Word discerns the thoughts and intent of the heart.
It is foolishness to think that the carnal mind can generate Spiritual thought. The carnal mind can not even understand the things of God! The carnal mind is of this world and it can only understand the things of this world.
That is why we can study the arts and sciences and the trades. None of these things increase our spiritual stature or take away from it. It is what we do with what we have learned that determines what we are.
The Bible speaks of two great classes of being, the one is called flesh and the other is called Spirit, each have their characteristics. Those who are familiar with the Bible will understand what I am talking about when I say, “The works of the flesh are manifest, which are these…” Then again, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, peace, joy…” The Bible is sufficiently clear on these points that if one wishes to and will be honest with himself, he may analyze his thoughts and determine whether they are of the flesh or of the Spirit. But remember, these thoughts are not you own --they come from Satan or they are from God! The strength of Satan lies in his anonymity. When one is born again, he becomes a new type of being because he is born of the Spirit. Satan is no longer obscured; God has revealed him for what he is. He that is born of the Spirit has God’s ability in him even as Satan’s ability was in the old man of the flesh. The Bible asks us to yield our members unto God as “instruments of righteousness,” even as we had previously yielded them to Satan. Then we are reminded of this fact: When we yield ourselves to something, whether God or Satan--when we obey them, we become their servant.
In Romans Paul writes to walk after the Spirit, not after the flesh, mind the things of the Spirit, not the things of the flesh. Then we are told that we have the mind of Christ; Again, He is the head over all things. Again, let this mind be in you that was also in Christ. The truth of the matter is simply this: A Spiritual thought is not the carnal mind thinking about God; it is God within you, thinking His thoughts through you! Before we gave ourselves to God we were servants of Satan--we were born in his domain, we thought his thoughts.
We were not necessarily sinners by choice; it was just our estate. When we hear of Jesus, and believe His Word, we enter into a new estate: This one is of God, in it there is no sin. Now there are two estates made known to us and what we do now is entirely up to us.
Now we have a choice. When we enter into God, we become aware of a new conflict. We desire to do well and we are more than ever aware of our own inability. It seems that we are forever doing that which we do not desire and are not quite able to do that which we do desire. We become more and more aware of our own inability to do that which we know God desires.
The answer to this apparent impasse lays in the way that God made us. In Romans we learn a startling thing. We are molded by the thoughts we think! The Word says that we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. This indicates that we are not to put too much emphasis on what we do or say. The emphasis is on what we think. The Bible says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Therefore, if our thoughts are God’s thoughts, it naturally follows that our words and actions will be the expression of these thoughts.
The whole trouble is that we were born in sin and our thoughts were shaped by iniquity. They were Satan’s thoughts.
We were his servants and we did his bidding.
The scripture brings another truth to light. It says, “Train a child in the way that he shall go and he shall not depart there from.” This is what Satan has done to man. Satan has trained us; and because we are creatures of habit, we continue to react after the fashion of this world, even though Jesus has given us a new Life and set us free from the power of Satan! Paul wrote about this to the Colossians. He said, “Wherefore, if you be, dead, with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are you subject to ordinances…..after the commandments and doctrines of men?” If this characteristic of habit is our problem, it is also our salvation. If a habit can be formed, it can also be broken! But, even as no one ever formed a habit without first entering into a pattern of thought or action, no one will ever break a habit without altering that pattern of thought or action. No one else can form a habit for you and no one else can break a habit for you; you must do these things by yourself. The Bible says there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. We have to do our own walking; no one can do it for us.
Jesus set us free from the bondage of Satan. He gave His life for us so that we might have God’s Life in us. He gave us His thoughts and made us partakers of His nature. We are no longer caught short with just the “old way;” we are made alive in the “new way.” The only thing left is just the old habit of thinking and doing. If we will let God’s thoughts dwell in us and be willing to let them be expressed through us, the old habit will be broken.
Paul speaks in some detail when he wrote his letters; he said no man should think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but we should think soberly, knowing that God has given him that which he has. We are to be sincere in our love for each other and not be dishonest or hypocritical. We are to separate ourselves from that which is evil and cling to that which is good. We must love the Lord with a fervent Spirit, rejoice in hope, be patient in trials, and we must bless them who persecute us. We must not return evil for evil, rather we must return good for evil. We are not to be drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit.
And so, with many words we are instructed in what to think and what to do. But it is impossible to detail thought and action for all who would live for God. And so the Word says: We must cast down (this means destroy) every imagination, thought, and action that sets itself contrary to the knowledge of God. Every thought must be captured and given to God so He can form it in accordance with His desire.
God lives in those who have believed the Words of Jesus Christ and received them for themselves. All those who will receive His thoughts, and allow them to be expressed through them, will enter into the joy of their Lord. They will know full salvation because they have crucified the “old man” and broken his habits. They have opened their mouths and confessed God’s word; they have presented their bodies to the Lord and have become “instruments of righteousness.” They have experienced the miracle of transformation.