You have heard some gossip and it has affected you. You heard words from someone’s mouth and they have become powerful. They have taken hold of your mind and they are coloring your thoughts and your actions. Once there was joy, now there is doubt. Confidence no longer is yours. Once where peace reigned, now there is turmoil.
Once where there was eagerness, now there is hesitancy.
All this because you have heard words, words coated with the poison of Satan words that were not necessarily uttered with malice, but words that did not convey the glory of God. They were words that were not spoken in praise to the all-loving Father.
These words became seeds that were planted, and they bring forth fruit--many fold. These words come to mind unbidden because the heart of man is fertile ground for the seeds of Satan. (The man of God must watch what manner of man he is in all holy conversation.) Man does not need to nourish the seeds of gossip; he must guard against them. He must eradicate them from his thoughts, as he would remove weeds from a prized garden. They are not profitable; they will destroy the garden of God, if not tended to.
Now here is the truth of it. You have just heard words yet your whole attitude has been changed because of these words. No force has been applied, just words have been used. What is it that these words react on? Is it not the spirit that is within man? The earthly creation that is man has been born in the freedom of his ability to choose. He may listen to what he wishes. Eve listened to the words of Satan. Because she listened, man lost the light and life of God. Now there is nothing to use as a comparison to show the things of Satan. Man is in darkness, he is without light, he is blind. He is born in sin. He knows not God.
Now the deceit of Satan takes over. Man requires a standard and so Satan suggests that man use his senses. “Then you will know good and evil. Your eyes will be opened.” The Bible declares that man was born in sin and shaped (educated) in iniquity--things that are not right, therefore, as long as man follows the natural path to which he was born, he cannot attain to righteousness. There is no righteousness in him because the light of God has departed.
Man has learned to walk. He can use natural sight and avoid colliding with obstacles. He moves in a material world.
Animals do the same, but because man has been able to accomplish more than the animals he has established himself as supreme over the material world.
He has overlooked something—words affect him, words shape his life. Words release power within him because he is more than a material creature—he is Spirit.
If man is Spirit, then it is not right for him to be governed by that which is of the flesh. Not having the light of God, he cannot “see” the evil of Satan. He is subject to words. Words shat carry the poison of Satan become his relish.
These kind of words never bring peace and contentment. Rather they generate turmoil, suspicion and doubt. These are the fruits of Satan’s words. Hate springs forth and chokes out love. Love is gone and there is no understanding.
There is no forgiveness. Man stands ready to condemn man. He becomes an island wherein there is no fellowship.
He is at bay because he has no sight. He is ready to fight because he has no love. There is no forgiveness in his heart.
All this is because the words of Satan were planted. They reacted upon his Spirit; and not having the light of God, he was blinded and knew not what to do.
But there are other words—words of God, words that are different from those that Satan has. The first words we read about come from God, and they dispel the unknown, they illuminate. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Now light and darkness existed—darkness for those who chose darkness, but light to them who chose light.
Satan could not push back the light. The light shown into the world and the darkness could not overcome it. Satan must be content to speak his words, and then those who listen will be filled with darkness. They will see a way, but they will not find it. They will seek peace, but it will elude them, because peace is of the light.
God’s word triumphs over Satan’s words. Jesus answered Satan with God’s word and he could not reply. It was necessary for him to leave Jesus because Jesus would not listen to his word. His words had no power if people would not listen to them. But he had to obey the words of God because God was his master. Only those who would listen to Satan would do his will.
God’s word says “There is no condemnation to those who mind the things of the Spirit and not the things of the flesh.” The Psalmist says of God’s word, “Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” The permanency of God’s word is such that though heaven and earth shall pass away, God’s word will remain. The integrity of God’s word is established because God said that He will watch over His word to perform it. It remains for me to know God’s word.
There are so many words in this world that they beat upon our ears as the waves of the seas. If I do not know God’s word, I will not know what to receive and what to reject. In myself I am apt to receive that which sounds logical to my senses; my flesh will react to its training.
God is Spirit. His words are Spirit. To understand them, I must be Spirit. But I have been “born in sin.” That which is of the flesh is flesh. What shall I do? The word of God says that he that comes to God is born again by the power and will of God. God is a Spirit and the word of God declares that that which is “born of the Spirit is Spirit.” This is the sure word of God. It is dependable.
As I receive this Word and tend to it, I am created again and made a new creature in Christ Jesus. This is the power of God’s word. Because I received the word of God by faith, I am by faith made a Spiritual creature so that I might know the things of God. There is a power released within me that is the power of God because the Bible says that it is God who works within me both willing and doing of His good pleasure.
There are more spirits than one because I am told by God’s word to believe not every spirit, but to try the spirits and see whether they be of God. Every spirit that says that Christ is not come in the flesh is not of God. But any spirit that says Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, that this anointing can dwell in man, is born of God and the truth is in him.
The Spirit of God is the nature of God and the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, faith, patience, meekness and longsuffering. These things will be made manifest within us because God’s Spirit is in the one who believes.
The words we listen to determine the path we follow and the Spirit we serve.
To hear the word of God and not do the word is not to believe. We deceive ourselves. The children of Israel heard the word, but they did not believe, they did not do, they murmured and complained. They did not mix the word with faith, so they did not receive the benefit of the light and life that is in the word.
No one can say they are a believer of the word and not be a doer as well. So if I hear a word of gossip or malice, and even though I say I do not believe it, if my thoughts are governed by it, my actions will be changed. I have become a doer of that word. I have believed because I acted on that word.
If I hear the word of God, and I harbor that within my heart, my thoughts will be changed. My actions will be changed.
I will be a doer of this word that I have received.
I must pick out the weeds of Satan. I know God’s Spirit brings forth love, and whenever any word is said contrary to this, I must cast it out and bring every thought in subjection to the obedience of Christ. If any thing shall cause me to become bitter and to doubt my God, I must cast it out, and bring it into subjection to God’s word.
And soon the way is clear. If I am to have the fruit of the Spirit brought to perfection in my life, I cannot receive the words of Satan.
I must receive the word of God