There is no lack of words in this world -- but a lot of times the words lack sense.
Some words are good but they enter ears that can’t hear. In this case they produce nothing--either positive or negative. Ears that hear respond one way or the other.
Actually, when it comes to knowing God, we’re a pretty ignorant lot! But on the whole we have a good heart, and that comes from God. We would be better off if we recognized that.
We’re an amazing lot--we travel the sea and dive in its depths, we fly in the skies, and float through space. We measure the speed of light and know the composition of the stars, yet we stand helpless before a human heart. We can not heal heartache or take away loneliness. God alone knows how to touch the heart of man.
Christians are peculiar too--they say they are born again, yet they don’t know much about their new Life. They say they are born again yet they seldom seem to grow. They refer to themselves as “Babes in Christ.” They say, “All things become new,” yet they follow the old laws of reaction to their surrounding. That’s evidence that the old nature is very much alive! Yet God loves them! Some men are leaders and some are followers. If we are followers and are fortunate enough to find a leader who says, “Follow Christ,” we soon will become a leader and tell others to follow Christ.
God does not want a man to follow a man--Jesus said. “Follow Me!” When a man does this, he inevitably comes to the place where he hears the promise of the Father and is endowed with power from on High. He knows that God is in him and working through him. This man is now God’s ambassador; and, as Peter said, such a man “ought to obey God rather than man.” Paul says, “Follow me, as I follow Christ.” This is good advice. What it really says is “follow Christ,” otherwise you won’t know when not to follow me.
If we follow someone and not know when not to follow him, we’re apt to become so tangled in the affairs of the Church that we forget to let God’s compassion and love flow through us. We become a tool of the Church rather than an instrument of righteousness used by God.
It’s o.k. to honor a man in the Lord, but the tendency of man is to listen to the man and this is too risky when it comes to Eternal values. You see, it’s a lot easier to hear man than it is God. This man might say the same words, but you better be careful and use the right ears to hear them. God’s ears routes the words to your heart, but man’s ears just routes them to your head. Know God, listen to him; and if your brother says the same thing, say, “Amen, God bless you,” and worship the Lord with him, but don’t worship him. Remember, when God speaks, he draws men to Himself.
Sometimes God uses a man to show us the right way, and sometimes God uses a man to show us the wrong way.
But the benefit of the whole thing is lost if we don’t hear the commentary from God. God’s desire is that we listen to him. We will find no error in his teaching, but when we are dependent upon someone else for what we learn we are subject to their errors as well as our own. It’s best that we deal direct and cut out the middle man.
A Christian is never isolated! He is never left alone and no matter where he is or what his surroundings are, God is with him--always! Therefore, the one who is born of this Spirit can not be lonesome. Lonesomeness is of the flesh--it is not of God. The flesh is isolated from God, but the one who is born of God has the comforter abiding in him-- always. When we know God as God meant for us to know him, we will know companionship, harmony, contentment, and peace such as can not be found in this world. That’s just one of the benefits of salvation; so if you claim salvation, you might just as well claim the continual, Eternal presence of the Holy Spirit within you. Know God, live in him, and enjoy this wonderful companionship that God has bestowed on us through Jesus Christ! God made us, therefore, he knows all about how we think and feel. He understood loneliness and so he prepared a place of abiding for us wherein it is impossible for us to be lonely. The door swings both ways--we may enter, or we may leave. Obviously, if we wish the benefits of this place, we must live there. God, through Jesus, has provided this place, but living in it is up to us.
God chose to make us become one with Himself. He brought peace to us by vanquishing the enemy. As long as there is flesh and spirit, there’s going to be conflict, but God has brought things about in such fashion that we need not obey the dictates of the flesh. He did this by indwelling us and giving us his Life. It makes no difference whether you can see this or not--you better believe it if you want the deep inviolable peace that God has provided for you! Listen to what the Bible says, “But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.
Now, if any man does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his”--Rom.8:9 And “If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.”--Rom.8:10 The plain simple fact of the matter is that if we are born again we are new creatures. The birthing process is brought about by the will and ability of God to all those who believe Jesus. There are not some of God’s children who are born again and some not--all of God’s children are born again. (If you are not born again, you are not God’s child.) The trouble is that we are not too much aware of this new Life, so we go right on living according to the dictates of the old. Sometimes, it seems to me, a Christian considers himself to be just the same as before, only now he has new ideals and a new destiny. That’s not right! The early Church made the same error. They never quite got hold of the kind of faith freedom that God meant for them to have. Remember what James told Paul, “You see how many there are who believe and everyone is zealous of the law!” Yet the truth of the matter is that Christ is the end of the law to everyone that believes.
That’s the way it is with us--we have a new Life, not a modified version of the old, but an entirely new one! This new Life is as different from the old one as Satan is from God, and I can’t evoke any greater difference! The Bible says, “Old things are passed away and all things become new,” but the old things don’t blink out like a light! They sluff off the more we are aware of the truth that is God.
I can’t tell you what this new Life is like because it is Spiritual, and I have no point of comparison. Jesus would always say, “The Kingdom of Heaven (this Spirit realm) is liken unto…” and then he would illustrate a point by telling a story.
Jesus, Himself, became the source by which we know God. So the only thing I can do is listen to what he has to say.
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature”--this means, among other things, that he has new ears! This is important. The old creature’s ears route everything to our mind, while the new creature’s ears routes things to the soul. Therefore, the words we hear take on different meanings depending upon which ears we use.
The natural thing is to use the old ears. This way we can evaluate what we hear. We say, “God gave us a mind so we might as well use it” But the trouble is our carnal mind has not, does not, and never will know or understand the things of God. Therefore, words routed by the old ears are not interpreted for good.
God gave us new ears--so let’s use them! It will not be easy or comfortable.
We can hear words that the old ears would say carry hatred and malice and distrust, but the new ears filter that out, so their venom does not reach our soul. We hear no evil so we can return good for the evil that Satan intended.
The new ears can hear the intent of the word and see the soul of the thought --- they bring hope and joy and peace because that is God’s desire. The old ears interpret according to their own desires and bring rebellion to the heart.
Rebellion! Our hearts are full of it! Lots of times we don’t recognize it as rebellion. Ever feel frustrated? That’s because of rebellion. Frustration is probably the most lonesome feeling there is. Sometimes we feel badly within ourselves when we can’t accomplish certain things. This isn’t really too bad if we can turn to someone to help us; but when we can’t turn to someone and feel that there is absolutely no way out, no where to go, and that nothing can be done, brother, that’s trouble at its worst! Lonesomeness, rebellion, and frustration all seem to be related. Each one magnifies the other; and if we allow them free hand, we end up with what little peace and sanity we thought we had ripped to shreds! This doesn’t make God happy because that’s not the way he planned things. You see, he knows something that most of us don’t--he knows why we’re lonesome! He knows the real reason. Sometimes we think that we are lonesome because there’s no one around or because we feel that people won’t accept us. That’s not true! A person is lonesome because he isn’t communicating with God! When a man learns he can fellowship God, he’s not lonesome anymore!