I have been thinking lately about words--words that we use in our every day life, words that we probably take for granted, words that we use in business and for pleasure.
How powerful (filled with power) words are. Our whole society is based upon words. Our Declaration of Independence is made up of words. The laws of our land are spelled out with words. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation which set slaves free was made of words. Words put people in prison and words get them out.
Contracts and agreements between individuals or large corporations are based upon words. Words seem to be the foundation upon which all of the negotiations in the society in which we live are established.
Whether it has to do with the masses or whether it has to do with individuals, words are the only way in which we can communicate. Wars are declared by the agency of words and with words peace is made again. It is by the agency of words that nations are built, destroyed, saved, or lost.
Relationships come into being because of words. Words are creative. When someone says a simple thing like, “I love you,” a relationship, which did not previously exist, is born. In fact God created the world with words. Words build or they can tear down. Words can cause joy or sorrow, faith or doubt, contentment, or discord. All this and more with just words. Everywhere we go we are exposed to the power and influence of words--just words. That influence may be pleasant or unpleasant, kind or unkind, good or evil, but all, nevertheless, with words.
Words are like thoughts, they shape our lives. They either build confidence within us or they whip us with the cords of defeat. Our children are shaped and matured with words. We either build their personality into a positive sense of well being or a distorted unbalanced image for themselves to be governed and blinded by doubt and selfishness. They are the products of words.
How necessary words are. Words are the only way in which we can effectually communicate. We cannot have a complete relationship with thoughts alone. Thoughts must be clothed with words. Words are the seen and heard garments for the invisible thoughts that we are thinking. Of course, there are some thoughts that should never be put into words.
It is by words that communication is established. Even Morse Code must be put into words or it is just rhytlimic noise.
Thoughts come first, but words are necessary to get the idea across. Thoughts must be clothed with words or they will go unknown and unexpressed. It is words that verify the meaning of thought and bridge the gap that exists between ignorance and knowledge, making communication possible. Even the tyrant Adolph Hitler once said, “The power that has started all of the political and religious avalanches rolling has been the magic of the spoken word and that alone.” We probably have never majored the fact that words have such a profound influence over our lives. Listen to what Proverbs in the Old Testament says, “The power of life and death are in the tongue (words) and they that love it (life or death) shall eat the fruit thereof. You are snared by the words of your mouth; you are taken captive by them. A man has joy by the answer of his mouth. A word spoken in due season, how good it is! A word timely spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Paul says, “If you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart thou shalt be saved.” Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Paul further says, “For with words the mouth makes confession unto salvation.” Proverbs says, “The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life” (words are found in the mouth). “In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found. The lips of the righteous feed many. The tongue of the just is as choice silver. Thy 1ip of truth shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” What captivating power and influence words have upon us, both for good and for evil. “There are those who speak like the piercing of a sword; but the tongue of the wise is health. A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth.”--Proverbs 12:18 For instance, there is a positive effect upon our spirits when we confess God’s Word. We are delivered by words or we create ourselves a prison by them. “A soft answer turneth away wrath but grievous words stir up anger. The tongue of the wise use knowledge aright; but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life; but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit. The words of the pure are pleasant words. A divine sentence (word) is in the mouth of the king. Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.” In conclusion Proverbs says, “The wise in heart shall be called prudent and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning; the heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips.” The apostle Paul says we are to increase in utterance and all knowledge. There are many words that are bandied about in our society today. These are constructive and destructive powers at work, economical and political, individual and corporate; but the real root cause of all words is spiritual. Words are either born of God or born of Satan, motivated by love or governed by selfishness. Politics may get under your skin, but only God’s Word can change your heart.
When Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” He was really saying that out of the reserves of one of two spirits a man shall gather his words. Paul said he spoke out of the Spirit of supply that is in Christ Jesus where all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge reside. He said, “Seeing you seek a truth concerning Christ speaking in me...” No wonder King David said, “I have set a watch before my mouth and kept the door of my lips.” James says, “Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth, and the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire (fire of desire) the course of nature (human) and it is set on fire from hell. The tongue no man can tame, it is an unruly evil full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God and curse we men. Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing.” James concludes by saying, “Brethren, these things ought not to be. Can a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you. Let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.”--James 3:13 The tongue no man can tame because by nature man is a liar and how can a liar establish integrity within himself? Our words are either born of God or they are born of Satan. They are either born of the flesh or they are born of the Spirit. They are either human or they are divine. They are either the gospel (good news) or just the word of man (bad news) bad for him and those around him. The Word of God is blessed (divinely empowered) and brings deliverance.
That is the simple but practical difference between the words of man and the Word of God. Man’s word is dead.
God’s Word is living.
God’s Word is always GOOD NEWS, and that literally is what the word Gospel means. Man’s words are dead because he has no life within himself apart from God. God’s Word is indwelt by His own Life and He imparts that Life through His good news, which is, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, made up of words. The Word gives birth to the Divine seed within us.
Jesus is called “The Word of God.” In John it reads, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us… No man has seen God at anytime. The only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared or revealed Him.” Jesus became God’s Word on the earth. Jesus became the garment for God’s mind, the revelation of God’s heart and nature. Jesus spoke only His Father’s Word. He said, “My Doctrine (words) are not mine but His that sent me.” (I wonder how many preachers can honestly say that.) Jesus also said, “The words I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life.” That simply means that God dwells in His words, because only God is Spirit and Life.
Jesus the man is gone now and has returned to the Father, but he has left something to take his place which is just as powerful and just as sufficient. It is the Word of God. Paul says, “Say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven to bring Christ down, or who shall descend into the deep to bring Christ up from the dead, but what saith the scripture, the Word is nigh thee even in thy heart and in thy mouth, the Word of faith which we preach.”--Rom. 10:7- 10 The written and spoken Word actually takes the place of Jesus on earth. In Hebrews, Paul says of the Word, “The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword and He is a revealer of the thoughts and intents (motives) of the heart. All things are naked in His sight.” Notice that Paul does not call the Word an “it”, but a “He.” No wonder he said that the Word is alive and active or quick and powerful. Christ dwells in that Word and Christ is alive. That is what differentiates God’s Word from man’s word. God’s Word is alive and therefore begets Life. Dead words can not beget Life any more than dead matter can beget living cells.
Christ dwells and abides in the Word of faith. It is God’s Word, not man’s word. God says, “I will watch over My Word to perform or fulfill it.” He fills it full of Himself.
In 2 Cor.1:19, Paul says, “The Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us...” The emphasis I wish to stress here is that Paul actually states that he preached the Son of God. He didn’t say that he just told Bible stories about a historical man called Jesus but that he was bringing Him on the scene by the very Word that he spoke. In short he was saying, “The Son of God’s very Life indwells my preaching and fills my words. God is in my words because Christ is in God and God is in me. I am actually and Spiritually preaching the Son of God out of me because He already lives within me.” To talk about someone is historical. To have them indwell in our words while we are yet speaking is Spiritual, and the nature of Spiritual things is to always be PRESENT! In the gospels it is recorded that the disciples PREACHED THE KINGDOM OF GOD. There is a difference in preaching about something and bringing that very thing within reach so that it may actually be possessed. Jesus said, “Repent, (which means to change your way of thinking) the kingdom of heaven at hand.” And it was because it actually dwelled within him. But he was telling others that they too could have ownership and there was no need to go away empty. He wasn’t telling them to get ready for it in some far-off future day. He was actually bringing it down to earth. He knew that they would never be ready for Heaven so he got Heaven ready for them. He brought the Kingdom of God down to them with his Word. The only problem was that they didn’t recognize the King. He preached the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God Spiritually inhabited his every Word. The King had come that God’s will could be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In the Book of Acts it says that Phillip “preached Jesus” unto the eunuch. He didn’t just talk about “Jesus.” Jesus filled his words. Paul said, “We do not fill our preaching (words) with ourselves but we preach Christ Jesus, the Lord.” Christ Jesus, the Lord, dwelled within his Word. Paul said in 1 Cor.2:4, “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not stand in man’s wisdom but in the power of God.” Paul also stated that the Kingdom of God is not in word only, but in power. He said that his teaching came not in word alone but with the Holy Spirit and much assurance. It is that blessed assurance that says, “Jesus is mine.” Even as important as words are, if Christ is not in them, they are naked, empty, alone, and dead. Only Christ can make words Live. Whether you are a Greek scholar or not won’t make much difference. It is all Greek to us anyway until He reveals Himself to us.
In the Book of Acts when legalism opposed the teaching of Christ, it records that the apostles preached the Word and the Word prevailed. The Word overcame. They didn’t set down their tools as it were and argue points of Doctrine.
They didn’t abandon their goal in order to fight and debate Judaism. They preached Christ and Christ who dwelled in their words added to the Church daily according to His will.
It is recorded in the book of Revelations that the believer overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb (that made things legal) and by the word of their testimony (that made it vital). Jesus himself said, “To him that overcomes will I grant to sit down with me in my throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in His throne.”-- Rev. 3:21 Hebrews says to hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering (doubting). Christianity is based upon a faith that is founded upon only one thing and that is God’s Word.
Christianity is Life not just a doctrine, creed, or theology. The Word is not paper and ink; the Word is Spirit. The Word is alive. The Word is God! The Word is the Divine thought, the Divine mind, the Divine nature breathed out into words. No wonder Jesus could say, “The Words I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are life.” God’s Words are alive and active, while doctrines and men’s theories are dead and idle. The Word (Logos) existed before the foundations of the world and long before paper and ink came on the scene.
Jesus himself said, “The letter kills but the Spirit (God) gives life.” Paul when writing to the Corinthians said, “You are our epistle written in our hearts known and read of all men: for as much as you are manifestly declared (revealed) to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the Living God; not in tables of stone but in fleshy (sensitive) tables of the heart.”--2 Cor.3:2-3 A man will speak the most frequently about that which is dearest to him. Our words will most certainly reveal our thoughts. If I believe in my problems, I will reveal that belief and betray myself with words. If I believe more strongly in God than I do problems, I can deliver myself by speaking God’s Word.
There are only two types of words--words born of faith (God) or words born of doubt (Satan). Satan is the anti-spirit of faith and all words born of doubt are the child of Satan. The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Faith comes from God just as surely as doubt comes from Satan.
How great a mountain we can build with words! We can manufacture problems that seem insurmountable and impassable. We can build mountains of doubt with our words, or we can move mountains into the sea. “You shall have whatsoever (no matter what) you say.”--Mark 11:23 No wonder King David in the 34th Psalms said, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble shall hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together.” David knew that if his mouth was continually filled with God’s Word and God’s praises that doubt could find no place in him.
How powerful effect words have upon us. It is no wonder that Paul said that the gospel is the POWER OF God unto our salvation. The gospel is good news for human beings that need salvation. No one could bring better news to our front door than God has brought in His gospel. It will dispel darkness from our hearts. Paul says, “God who commanded the light (Word) to shine into the darkness has shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”--2 Cor.4:4-6. “It has pleased God by the foolishness of words to save them that believe.”--1 Cor.1:21 Never underestimate the power of words. Words can change your life if they come from God. Words can direct you and words can give you revelation and understanding. Always remember that the nature of God’s Word is to build faith and encourage you. God’s words are always GOOD NEWS to those who love the truth. If we love the truth, it looks like we have nothing to worry about.
“If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”