Warren Rogers Articles

From Darkness to Light
(the cycle of learning)
Through dissatisfaction comes hunger.
Through hunger comes searching.
Through searching comes knowledge.
Through knowledge comes revelation.
Through revelation comes light.
From light comes truth.
From truth comes life.
From life comes satisfaction.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

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Warren Rogers - Featured Articles
By Warren Rogers August 4, 2023
It is not the nature of the flesh to appreciate the value of Spiritual thoughts. It seems that only when flesh and blood are brought to the place of utter desolation that a divine appreciation is born within the human spirit. How we ought to praise our heavenly Father for the trials and temptations that come our way — knowing that His promise IS that it will always end in a divine conclusion. He has said that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us and that He WILL perfect that which concerns us. You see, in order for God's will to be done we must be purged from every desire that opposes Him. (That's really the only time that God's will is done.) The Father knows just how and when this is to be brought to pass. It is through these "wilderness experiences" that we learn the most significant spiritual lessons. It is often when we are in the desert of human aloneness and seemingly isolated from the rest of the world that we can hear our heavenly Father talk to us, Sometimes we are not willing to bring ourselves to this solitary place of meditation, so our Father arranges things in such fashion that we are reminded once again of our need to seek His face. We do not always like the process that brings us to this place of learning, but we may be comforted in the knowledge that ALL things do indeed work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. His purpose, of course, is that we be "conformed to the image and likeness of His dear Son" - Rom. 8:28-29. Sometimes we forget just HOW our Father brought His first Son into conformity with His will. We read in the Bible that He was A MAN of sorrows and acquainted with grief — He was tempted in His desires in all ways like we ourselves — He was lonely — despised and rejected of men -- He had emotions and even wept as we might today. Many times He found it necessary to withdraw Himself not only from the multitudes but His own disciples too, in order to pray and seek His Father’s will. You see, the Father understands the weakness of all flesh -- He made it! He also knows just what must be done in order to conform us to His likeness while all the time strengthening our faith. The Bible takes time to record that even Jesus, God's first Son, the captain of OUR salvation, the author and finisher of OUR faith, the first born among MANY brethren, LEARNED obedience through the things that He suffered - Heb. 5:8. Jesus, the human Jesus, was not always aware of His Father's leading in His sufferings, perhaps even as we many times are not aware. His flesh did not necessarily enjoy the process of change any more than ours. You see, obedience is the criteria here and disobedience is deeply ALL flesh. That is WHY in order for man to learn the things of God, his flesh must be subjected to a certain kind of suffering. It is this suffering we are talking about that brings about the will of the Spirit in our lives. Jesus experienced this suffering, for He spoke from the same place of conflict when He said "The Spirit is indeed willing but the flesh is weak" - Matt. 26:41. Paul says in Romans 8:3 that Jesus came in the "likeness" of sinful flesh. So, you see, the flesh is not really the answer, it is just a part of the problem: that is as long as it is not under the control of the Spirit. In fact, that's all a problem really is, just something that is not yet under the control of the Spirit. Quite simple, isn't it? Maybe we should yield "right away".) About this suffering thing: the Bible says that IF we suffer with Christ we will also REIGN with Him, It sounds like it is saying, "no suffering, then no reigning". Some today would like us to believe that suffering, any kind of suffering, is absolutely unnecessary. I can't buy that! The Apostle Paul must have derived the same kind of SPIRITUAL BENEFIT through his sufferings. He must have seen some sort of purpose in it even to the extent that he sounded these most unusual words..."That I might KNOW Him and the power of His resurrection AND the FELLOWSHIP of His SUFFERINGS being made CONFORMABLE to His death" - Phil. 3:10. Wow! That’s a pretty difficult statement to make, let alone understand, Why in heaven’s name, if a Christian is to escape ALL manner of suffering, would Paul want to fellowship or share in the sufferings of Christ? I thought that Jesus came to deliver the human race from suffering. I thought that one did not have to suffer. I supposed that suffering, any kind of suffering, was a sign of spiritual weakness and ignorance on the part of the believer. 1 thought that if you were to read "Seven Steps to Victory" by Dr. Know It All , one didn't have to suffer. I thought that all suffering was supposed to be of the Devil and any one who suffered in any way, shape, or form was living far below their God given privileges. Surely, any one that suffers must be out of the will of God and lacking in faith! Evidently, neither Peter, Paul, James, John or Jesus, who all either wrote or spoke about suffering and trials, had not been fortunate enough to get their hands on the right cassette tape series. They must not have known better. Question: Could there be a certain kind of suffering that is JUST AS MUCH a part of the will of God as being healed? Seems to me that the Bible speaks an awful lot about trials and temptations accompanying the Life of the believer. Even Jesus mentioned a cross for EVERY ONE to bear. You don't hear much about that to¬day though. It seems that in order to be in tune one must be a heavy advocate of health, wealth and prosperity, or he is out of rhythm. Maybe there is another side to the coin that flesh and blood does not like to hear. Even Peter said some of the strangest things about suffering. Perhaps what he said, according to some of our modern day seminar teachers, was way out of context. Maybe the Holy Ghost didn't give him his material. Perhaps he wasn't fortunate enough to have attended one of our modern theological seminaries. Maybe he didn't have a Bible dictionary or an analytical concordance. Maybe he didn’t know anything about Greek or expository preaching. Perhaps he had forgotten to memorize the fundamental principles of "Victorious Living". Here are some of the things he said about this matter of suffering — listen! "For as much then AS Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin (no wonder flesh wants nothing to do with suffering) — THAT he no longer should live the rest of his time (the time he has left) in the flesh, to the will of man, but to. THE WILL OF GOD. Beloved, think it NOT strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some STRANGE (out of the ordinary) thing has happened to you. But rejoice in as much as you are partaking of CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS. After you have suffered a while, God will make you perfect and establish, strengthen and settle you. Wherefore let them that suffer ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD " According to what? I Peter 4:1-2. It sounds like suffering, a certain KIND of suffering, is just as much the will of God as having a Devil cast out. Could it be that there is a particular God ordained suffering that is used to bring ones will into subjection and conformity to the will of the Spirit of God? Aren’t flesh and Spirit contrary one to the other? If, according to the Bible, Jesus LEARNED obedience BY the things He suffered, then He must not have known what the Father required of Him until He was trained in the things of the Spirit. You do not need to learn something you already know — it is only that which one does not know that he must learn. The Apostle Paul wrote another thing about this thing called obedience. He said that we are to "cast down (dethrone) imaginations and EVERY high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge (Word) of God and bring into captivity EVERY thought to the OBEDIENCE of Christ". He said that this is HOW obedience is fulfilled ~ II Cor. 5:4-6. It was Paul who also said^ "I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you PRESENT your bodies a living SACRIFICE (how the flesh abhors sacrifice), holy, acceptable unto God, which is YOUR reasonable service: and BE NOT conformed to the worlds system, but be YE transformed by the RENEWING of your mind, that you may understand what is that good, and acceptable and perfect, WILL OF GOD - Rom. 12:1-2. Renewing of the mind IS the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. You see, until we learn to PRESENT our bodies in obedience to the Lord (actually presenting of our bodies IS obedience to the Lord) and to lead every thought captive, suffering will be the inevitable tool that God will use to help bring this about. Someone once said, "God does not use force, but He certainly knows HOW to make you willing". The Scriptures say that the way of the transgressor is hard and as the sparks fly upward man was born for trouble. Suffering in the flesh is the Father’s way of redeeming the spirit and bringing man’s will into conformity with His will. Even Paul once said that he had delivered a man’s flesh to Satan’s control that the spirit might be saved. The Bible clearly states, "The wrath of God IS revealed from heaven AGAINST TVLL ungodliness". It also says, "Tribulation and anguish upon EVERY soul of man that does evil, but glory, honor and PEACE to EVERY man that works good" - Rom. 1:17; 2:9-10. It must be clearly understood that when the Bible speaks of suffering, it does not necessarily mean to suffer from sickness or disease or some kind of physical disablement. The kind of suffering the Bible speaks of here is the kind of suffering that belongs exclusively to the believer. The world does not experience this kind of suffering. This kind of suffering comes from the conflicting and contrary desires that are at war within the believer. The reason for this conflict is because man HAS been made a new creature and that new creature is at work within him and wants to gain control of his mind. If there were only one entity, there would be no struggle. Actually, it is God and the Devil fighting it out for control of man's will through his mind. Man yields to whomever he chooses. The Bible plainly identifies this as ".the sufferings and afflictions of Christ" You may remember Paul mentioning this kind of suffering when he wrote about the struggle between the FLESH and the SPIRIT - Gal. 5:16-17. He said that they are CONTRARY (in opposition) to one another and they strive to gain control of man's mind. Actually, you might say there is a civil war going on within man. This causes the most painful of all battles until the will is conquered and brought once again into subjection to the Spirit of God. Remember when we said that a problem is just something that is not yet under the control of the Spirit? Jesus Lord .
By Warren Rogers August 4, 2023
What do you turn to in time of need? Do you follow just any old suggestion that comes to mind? A lot of people do. I know of many precious souls who seem to lack direction to their lives be¬cause they just aren't willing to recognize that they are not capable of handling their problems. If we could only realize (real eyes) this, we would stop trying to deal with them and turn them over to our heavenly Father who both wants and is willing to carry the load. The Bible puts it this way, '*Cast thy burden on the Lord and will sustain thee" - Ps. 55:22. Jesus says, "Come unto me all of you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Why? "Because my yoke is easy and my burden is light" - Matt. 11:28. May I put it in my own words without re¬moving any of the sanctity? Come to Him everyone of you who are floundering, failing and anxiously striving in the weakness of your human nature, you who are burdened down with earthly cares that hang about thy neck as a great and heavy yoke; take upon thee instead the divine nature (nurture) that can and will sustain you in all of your ways and the promise is thy day so shall be thy strength ’’. The Bible in so many different ways encourages us to PUT our trust in the Lord. Even King David said in Psalm 33:17, "A horse is a vain thing for safety". We are asked to acknowledge the Lord ways and then He will take it upon Himself to direct our paths, Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and the righteousness that is of Him, and then He will add all else to our lives". Matt. 6:33. It’s so simple, but how we often com¬plicate our thinking. We depend too much upon our own minds. We have, as it were, entered into a contract or an agreement with God in Christ. Sometimes we get our thoughts mixed and fail to distinguish our work from His. Sometimes we want God to do ours and then at other times we try to do His, We forget that the whole basis of Christianity is trust and that God cannot do ours and we cannot do His. It's in the agreement, and agreements are no good if the ones involved do not keep their word. Jesus says, "You seek me and continue to think on the things that are in my kingdom (that's our part) and I will provide all of your needs according to my riches in Glory, whatever they may be" (that’s His part). Of course, there are earthly responsibilities we must assume; God knows that, but they are not to be magnified above heavenly things. It is often said that we are not to be "so heavenly minded that we are of no earthly good". But what about being so earthly minded that we are of no heavenly good? My ex¬perience is that more people are worried about falling into the first category than the second, I've met a lot of people who are earthly minded, but I find it a rare thing to meet anyone who is heavenly or Spiritually minded, even in church, if you please. It appears to me there is little danger about going overboard with Jesus in most people's lives. I think they are quite secure. If we are going to magnify something, I believe it would be wise if we took the Psalmist* advice who says, "Come now and let us magnify the Lord together" - Ps. 34:3. We are bound to magnify something 1 So what do you turn to in time of need? Do you turn to that which helps you and sustains you, or do you consider that which only ends up delaying your answer? Is Satan leading you on?? People are all different, not any one of them are alike. They have different tendencies or different grooves of thought. They turn to different things when they become lonely, frustrated, bored, or just plain discouraged. You see, human beings are sub¬ject to many different kinds of emotions. More often then we should, we allow our emotions to rule us and make us slaves to our feelings. Feelings are good and were created by God to be our servant, but when things are turned around, it can become quite a problem. In fact, that’s what a problem really is—just something turned around. It can become heli on earth. Have you ever noticed that "evil" is really "live" spelled backwards? It all began with Adam and Eve when they obeyed Satan. When feel¬ings and desires became their master, so did Satan. Satan took control of their emotions and they became ego motions—motions motivated by their ego. They became a curse born of selfishness rather than a blessing, but then that’s always the way it is when we yield our emotions to Satan. Ever notice the difference when God has them as compared to the other side I Fear is an emotion and so is peace. Joy is an emotion and so is sorrow. See the difference? It's just a matter of which spirit has control of you—who you yield to. They are just the opposite in nature. One is the Spirit of God, the other the spirit of Satan. That's how simple it is. Jesus said, "The THIEF comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but I have come that you may have Life abundantly" - John 10:10, The child of God can yield his emotions to the Spirit of happiness “Christ if he wants. He doesn’t have to "pursue" happiness like the world teaches. It's already within him; all he has to do is develop or cultivate an awareness of his posses¬sion. He can do this by magnifying and acknowledging the Lord, not by magnifying and talking about the problem. Try it I It works; whether you emphasize the negative or the positive, you will get immediate results—what we sow, we will reap. And we don't have long to wait for the harvest. You might say that to live dominated by your feelings is living backwards or turned around, and the scriptures say the way of the transgressor is hard. We were not created to live backwards (evil) but front¬wards (live)—our back on our problems and our face in the di¬rection of the Lord- The Psalms say, "They looked unto Him and their faces were lightened, and they were not ashamed" - Ps. 34:5. If you face the Light, the shadows will be behind you, but if you turn your back on the Light, then you must face the shadows. No wonder Jesus said, "Get thee behind me Satan". Some people say we must face our problems, but they don't tell you how to cope. You do it by facing the Lord, and then He will take care of the problem. We are to overcome evil (darkness) with good and ONLY GOD, according to Jesus, is good. People lean in different directions when they have problems. Some think of drink when things get rough? others turn to physical activity to drown out their loneliness or boredom. Sometimes they turn to other people in order to discuss their problem. They for¬get that what they really need is for God to talk to their'Spirit so they may "Live'* and learn that God cannot be found in these other things . Inevitably there will come a reckoning (Rom. 6) day when they must learn the truth that David learned when the scripture records a great milestone in his life. It simply states, "And David encouraged HIMSELF in the Lord". There just wasn't anyone else around that could do it for him. And anyway, it wouldn't last any other way. Well, I guess the question now is, "Where can a person get help that will last and is there really any such thing"?? I suppose that we have all asked these questions at one time or another when we were very preoccupied with the problem at hand, when maybe we should have been putting it under our foot. I wonder if maybe the real problem has been that we too often look for our answer in the wrong thing. The answer, if we are ever to approach things from a sober point of view, must be admittedly recognized as not to be found in drink, or doing, or people, or places, or things; but in Christ and Christ alone. I like that song that says, "There is no disappointment in Jesus, He is ALL that He promised to be".
By Warren Rogers August 5, 2022
In the knowledge of God’s Spirit is conveyed His Power and Ability. God is in His knowledge; God is Spirit, Knowledge, Power, and Faith. With God’s knowledge comes wisdom, or the ability to use this knowledge as it can be productive and creative in your life and in the lives of others. When one speaks according to the knowledge that God gives, he is giving voice to the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto deliverance to anyone who believes. It will deliver anyone that receives it and believes it, for it is God’s power. This is speaking as an oracle of God. It is as thought God spoke. When God speaks, His Word is performed. The one who ministers the Gospel of Christ represents God, so therefore God must be his ability. Because the Gospel is Truth, you have the ability to back up the words that you speak. You cannot separate God’s Spirit, which fills the Gospel of Christ, from Faith, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Deliverance. He is all of these to us and for us. The Gospel of Christ is saturated with all of these things, for the Spirit says in 1 Cor 3:1 that the Gospel is the image, or expression of God. Wisdom, faith, healing, and deliverance are all given to you through the Gospel of Christ. The Gospel is God expressed to the heart of man. The world was framed by the Word of God. The same Word and ability that formed the world and brought it into existence is released from the lips of the one that proclaims the Gospel. (Notice I said Gospel, not theories, or someone’s opinions.) The Word of Faith, creating out of things that are not seen, the things that are now seen. When one speaks according to Spiritual Knowledge (God’s knowledge), the same power that was drawn upon when the world was created again goes into action. The very same Word with the same Eternal Power. The never changing Word with His unchanging power to perform. The ability of Love, fulfilling the needs of those who put a demand upon the Living Christ. 1958
By Warren Rogers April 25, 2020
Don’t expect people to understand you. They didn’t understand Jesus. Don’t expect people to like you for what you say. They didn’t listen very long to Jesus. Don’t expect people to be your friend. They were not always friendly to Jesus. But don’t let this keep you from being understanding with people and don’t let this keep you from speaking God’s Word. Don’t let this keep you from being friendly because Jesus was always friendly. Always remember that the word God has given you is true and does not change because of public opinion. Remember that there is a great gulf between the understanding of man and the understanding that God gives. Remember that one’s understanding is founded in the flesh--the other in the Spirit; and man does not know, or in many instances has not yet come to the place where he can understand Spiritual things. Know that until man learns to recognize the voice of God, he will act quite human. If you therefore understand God, act like Him. Do not lose faith because others do not have it. Remember, be patient with them and know that God’s Love is for them too. Do not give into feelings of disappointment because others do not believe you. Remember they did not believe Jesus either. If they do not respond to you, remember that God does not quit loving them because of your feelings. Remember that there are times when you too have not been responsive to God’s Word and Spiritual things, but still God is very patient and kind. Remember that you are the salt of the earth; and if you really are convinced that you have God’s Word, then speak because you have faith in what you say. If you are not convinced of that, then don’t speak; but if the words you hold are truth and life to you, then these words can work in others as they have worked in you. It is God’s responsibility to take care of His Word. It is your responsibility to speak His Word and believe. Do not be brought under bondage to the carnal mind whether it is yours or someone else’s. It does not understand the things of God, so do not consult with it. Do not defend yourself for you are dead and Christ is your life and He needs no defense. Remember that Love is what has made God’s revelation real to you and it is Love that shall make it real to others. Do not argue. Love does not use force. Always be bigger than those who would oppose you and remember that God’s Word is for them as well as yourself. Remember that Jesus died for all men and His Love is never failing. Never take anything personal, but the Word of God for all else will pass away. Keep ever before you the truth of God’s Word and it will change you. Remember that Jesus understands when people do not. Jesus is your friend when people are not. Jesus cares when people will not. Jesus helps when people cannot. Remember that Jesus never fail, though people often do and that one day the flesh shall pass away and be no more, but God’s Spirit abides forever. Always remember that God’s Word is a “He,” not an “it;” and when you give voice, you are releasing God’s power that can change the lives of those who can hear it. Do not limit God’s Word to your own experience, but know beyond doubt that His Word is not bound to human limitations and will work in the heart of the hungry. Remember, too, that a hungry heart is fertile ground for the Divine seed to take root; and it can grow up as the mustard seed into a great tree having strong branches. Remember that you can fill your words with whatever you choose--hatred or love, life or death, God or Satan, good or evil. Learn only to speak God’s Word and then you will quench the carnal mind’s socalled “right” of expression. Remember that God’s Word is a living thing and is not dead like the words of man. It will work wherever faith is found and too it can generate faith where there is need. Jesus declared that the words that He spoke were “Spirit and Life” and unbelief could not cancel it. Abide in Him and let His Word Live in you and then ask what you will.
By Warren Rogers April 23, 2020
Gal 4:1-7: *Huio thesia = adoption, the placing of a Son Eph. 1:5: *Huio thesia = adoption, the placing of a Son Romans 8:14-17: *Teknon = child, daughter, Son In the near east, it was the custom that by age thirty, a male should be positioned to take his father’s place. Below are some of the scriptures in regards to Jesus’ Sonship adoption at approximately thirty years of age: Luke 3:21-23: Sonship pronounced upon Him by His Father John 3:35: All things – all authority given to the Son John 5:16-30, 43: I am taking over my Father’s place and position. John 8:31-36: The Son has authority to set the slaves free. John 10:30-33, 36: The Son becomes one with the Father John 16:15: The Son having received all things will reveal those things to those who believe on Him and will also become Sons of God. The rights we receive as Sons of God shown through the Scripture is as follows: Power of Attorney: John 3:35, 5:43 His complete inheritance: John 16:15 Equality with His Father: John 5:18, l0:30-33 Let’s look in John’s Gospel and First Epistle and see what other scriptures say about those of us in Christ. John 1:11-13: *Teknon = child, daughter, Son I John 3:1-2: *Huios = child, foal, Son I John 4:17: As He is in this world, so are we in this world. You are a Son of God with the same rights and privileges. You have God’s life living in you. That Life is equal with the Father because it is the Father and the Son living in you, I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one--John 17:23. Let this mind be in you….Phil. 2:5-11 *Greek definitions are from Strong’s Exhaustive Hebrew and Greek Concordance. All Scripture references are from the Original King James Version. A more comprehensive study of this subject matter is contained in my article titled, “The New Birth,” which is to be found on my Website address below:
By Warren Rogers April 19, 2020
As far as the believer is concerned, habits of thinking are the only thing Satan has going for him. The devil has taught our flesh how to sin and then he condemns us for it. But according to Jesus, we who have been born again are not flesh anymore, we are Spirit. He said, “That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.”--John 3:6. If you are born of the Spirit, then you can safely say that you are indeed Spirit--that is, if you want to. You will only have this reality by faith. If you will not claim this fact in God’s word, then you are stuck only with flesh, and flesh will not inherit the Kingdom of God according to the scriptures. Now that we are a new creature in Christ, we do not have to obey the dictates of the flesh anymore, that is, reacting to situations the way Satan has taught our flesh. Having once been a creature of the flesh and being trained in the ways of the flesh, we have obeyed habits of the flesh; but now that we are a new creature in Christ, we are free from Satan’s hold. We are a new kind of being--a new species. We are not only free from the habits of the flesh, but also the habits of thinking that Satan has taught the flesh. We are also free from the death source that trained us in those habits. We are completely free from Satan’s power. In other words, we have died to sin. Any other thought is a lie from the devil. James says in his Epistle that we are tempted only when we are drawn away and enticed by our own desires. We obey a habit then when we pay attention to the desires of the flesh. When we recognize the flesh over the Spirit, that is sin, and sin when it is finished brings forth death. According to the revelation given to the Apostle Paul in Romans, Chapters 6, 7, and 8, the flesh is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of God’s righteousness. Why then should we pay attention to a dead man who has already passed away? According to the Word of God, Christ is our total life-source now, and we should acknowledge this as true. When we feel sorry for the old man and cater to his desires, that is where we lose the battle. We are reckoning him to be something and Christ in us to be nothing! In the words of James, “Brethren, these things ought not to be.” We are instructed in the Word of God to count the old man already dead (that is why Jesus died) and to then reckon the new man to be alive (that is why Jesus was raised from the dead). To not reckon the old man to be dead is to say that Christ did not die, and to not reckon ourselves alive to God is to say that Jesus was not raised from the dead. If we do not do what God tells us to do, we end up with all sorts of problems. We need to turn our thoughts to the Spirit and away from the things of the flesh and God promises us we will find Life and peace. To not turn our thoughts to the Lord is to be what the Bible calls carnally-minded, which is death. That is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve in the garden. Anytime we put the flesh before the Spirit that is sin against God; and the penalty of sin, according to the Bible, is death. But Jesus died so that we don’t have to die. He doesn’t want us to die--He wants us to live in Him. That is why He came--to give us life, true life, in the Spirit. He said, “I have come that you might have life...” True life is only in the Spirit of God--the flesh profits nothing! The very instant we regard the flesh and its desires we come under its control. But we don’t have to do that anymore. If we reckon the flesh to be something, we are reckoning in the wrong realm. God’s realm is the realm of the Spirit. We are told to acknowledge that life in all of our ways. God is Spiritual life. The reason we are told to reckon ourselves dead to sin is because we are dead to sin. We are just as dead to sin as Jesus died. His death was a complete death or He did not die at all. His death set us free from the law of sin and death that is in our flesh. If we do not reckon or count upon Christ’s death, we are stuck only with the flesh and there is no way out. God’s law is flesh produces death--Spirit produces life. Jesus said, “The flesh profits nothing, it is the Spirit that gives life.” You can’t change that law because God established it. We would do well to pay heed to this fact. Paul says, “They that are Christ’s have crucified (put to death) the flesh with its affections and desires.” How then can we recognize the flesh above the Spirit and still claim to be a creature of the Spirit? We no longer have an obligation to the flesh to live and think after the flesh. Jesus bought us with His life’s Blood. He became flesh in order to die to set us free. He became sin on our behalf. He tasted of death for every man so every man would not have to taste of death. “Him who knew no sin God made to become sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ.”--2 Cor.5:21. Sin is separation from God and separation from God is spiritual death. No Christian has an obligation to give his mind over to that which would rob him of God’s peace. Jesus gave us His peace. He wants us to live in that peace, but there will be no peace as long as we mind the things of the flesh. Everyone belonged to Satan at one time. We were born in sin (separated from God) and shaped by iniquity (things contrary to God). In our first birth of the flesh, we were estranged from God; but in our second birth of the Spirit, we were made one with God. But old habits of thinking learned in the flesh die hard. Satan has no legal right to control a believer because he has totally lost his dominion. His realm is the realm of the flesh; and if we do not live after the flesh or mind the things of the flesh, he can’t touch us. Actually he can’t really touch us because the Bible says, “Ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God.” He can’t gain access to God no matter what he does. We are a new creation in Him and Satan has no power over us. Every man who believes on Jesus and is born from above has the right to be a Son of God. If he wants that right, then he must exercise it. No son of God is a subject of Satan's because he is one with Christ in God, and Christ is not subject to Satan--it is the other way around. In Bible language, we have an obligation, but it is not to the flesh to live after the flesh. Flesh has lost its legal claim to lord it over us. “Sin shall not have dominion over you.”-¬Romans 6:14 If we will stop identifying ourselves with the flesh and no longer claim the things of the flesh, the training of the flesh will die out. Jesus died for one purpose--TO SET US FREE FROM SATAN’S POWER and make us a new creation in God. He already did this; therefore, we must learn new things. We must become familiar with the realm of the Spirit and live there because Jesus put us there. Paul says, “Ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit if so be the Spirit of God lives in you.”--Romans 8:9. Jesus came so that we might have the Father’s life and live where He lives. Paul also said, “If ye live after the flesh, you shall die, but if you walk after the Spirit, you shall live.” Actually that is what God told Adam and Eve way back in the Garden of Eden--“Ye shall die.” To live in the Spirit is to acknowledge Christ as being our complete life-source, not just a problem solver. Flesh and Spirit are of two opposite realms. One is God’s--the other Satan’s, one sin--the other righteousness, one light--the other darkness, one good--the other evil--one freedom-- the other bondage, one heaven--the other hell. To obey the dictates and desires of the flesh is to be the servant of sin. Paul says in Romans Chapter 6, “Know ye not that to whom you yield yourselves slaves to obey, his slave you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death or obedience or unto righteousness?” The only way to be free from the bondage of the flesh is to reckon yourself dead to the flesh and alive to the Spirit of God. If you reckon yourself alive to the flesh, then you will always have a problem of one kind or another. We must realize this: CHRIST IS OUR PRESENT LIFE AND HE IS NOT A PROBLEM! ' Because He lives, we live also. He is making alive our physical bodies right now. He is quickening our mortal bodies by the self-same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. Christ is our resurrection Life today. It’s a miracle!
By Warren Rogers April 19, 2020
I have often heard someone say, “My trouble is that I need more of God; I have just got to pray and get more of God; if I only had more of God.” Have you ever thought that way? I have never seen anyone that has prayed that prayer satisfied--only frustrated; and God is not the author of frustration, but of peace. God has revealed something to me--we have been proceeding on a wrong basis and that is why we haven’t gotten anywhere. We have been made to think thoughts of doubt from Satan (an angel of light) that our problem is that we do not have enough of God and that the answer is to have more. That is a spiritual lie. When we asked Christ, to come into our heart, all of Him came, for the fullness of God dwells in Him. It is not by getting more of God; it is by giving up more of ourselves. We have allowed our attention to be moved to a false goal. God’s Word plainly states that of His fullness have we already received and grace for grace. (John 1:16). We surely do not believe God’s Word, therefore, we do not act like people who are indwelt by God’s fullness. God’s Word also says, “You are complete in Him.”--Col. 2:10. All of this came about instantly at the new birth when we became partakers of the Divine nature. What is the answer then? Where is the difficulty? The difficulty is in our thinking. Nothing God has given us is based upon what we can do, but upon what God is to us and what He has already done in Christ for our benefit. The unbelieving mouth of man speaks on this wise. “If I just had more of God, I wouldn’t be so unhappy.” But God says, “If I had more of that man and his thoughts, his unhappiness would cease.” The thing that is the root of man’s unhappiness is the thought that tells him that the God he has isn’t enough. That is why many people just go on seeking more and more experiences. They haven’t found their place in God. Jesus showed that by giving. Jesus gave Himself to God that God may be all in all. We have tried to find fulfil1ment our own way by getting; but the only way that works is God’s way. Many times we are like the rich young ruler that Jesus told to sell all he had and then follow Him. We would rather not have it cost us anything. The truth is we do not need more of God for all of Him is what we have and all of Him is enough. God is not stingy. He has given Himself to us. The real problem is: How much of you does God have? Does He have all of your desires and thoughts? You cannot be happy any other way. The problem is that we already have had much of God, but He has been permitted to have very little of us. This is demonstrated by the very act of thinking thoughts that suggest lack. These are the thoughts that God must have to insure our happiness. One does not attain the fullness of God by subjecting God to himself, but allowing God to subject the seeker. The Bible says to present your body (members) as a living sacrifice unto God (Rom.12:1-2). This is all we can do and all God wants from us. We can never of ourselves rise to the heights of God’s fullness; it is God in Christ who has stooped to the depths of our lowest level and made us by His own mercy and initiative complete and entire In Him. One is not made happy just because he happens to have a lot of God. If he is happy at all, it is because God has been permitted to have that much of him. The key to freedom and happiness is to dissolve in God--lose your life and then you will find it. Jesus said, “But he that loves his life shall lose it.” He that feeds his selfishness and nourishes his ego shall perish, but he who denies it shall live. Presenting our body to God as a living sacrifice is said to be our only acceptable service (Rom.12:1-2). This is all we can do and all God will accept. We can never of our own initiative become, so to speak, more Spiritual or more Godly. Religious accomplishments and spiritual exploits are not so much wrought by us subduing God, as it is allowing Him to subdue us. It is not as we control God, but as He has us. It is not so much us attaining God as it is God obtaining us. While we were yet in ignorance, while we were yet without strength, or one might say before any spiritual ambition, Christ died for the ungodly (Rom. 5:6). Now one can see that the emphasis is not to be stressed so much on man’s attempt to find God, as it is God having already found man through Christ. It is said the shepherd set out to find the lost sheep. The shepherd’s sense of direction is better than the sheep’s or the sheep would be herding the shepherd. The initiative was on the part of the shepherd, not the sheep. If the sheep were capable of finding their own way, Christ would not have come. Sometimes we think that we are so advanced that we forget that we are saved by the grace and mercy of God. Things are to continue on the same basis that they began. “By grace are you saved…”Eph. 2:8. Grace is God’s nature. Paul said that I might be found in Him not having my own righteousness but His (Phil. 3:9). There is a difference in finding and being found. Man speaks on this wise, “If I could just find God!” But the wisdom of God says, “What this man needs to know is that I have already found him. He could not see the way because of his blindness; but because I can see, I in Christ, have sought him out and brought him to the place that I have prepared for him, that where I am he may be also.” God says, “I have already prepared a place for you, and in your new birth I have received you to myself.” God was interested in man long before man was interested in God. God purposed to seek man out long before man revealed any interest in Spiritual things. It is written that God purposed this before the foundation of the world (Eph.1:4). I love Him because I know He first loved me. The knowledge of God’s Love towards me gives birth to the Love I have towards Him. Man says if I could only reach God. The truth of the matter is that man of himself can never reach God. God must reach him and He has in Christ. Man in his ignorance says if I could only get to where God is, but God says you don’t have to--I have already gotten to where you are. Man thinks if somehow I could only reach up to God, but his arm isn’t long enough, so God reaches down (His arm is Jesus) to where feeble man is and lifts him up to His abiding place. Because He has drawn us to Himself, we can be sure that we are there. We are in Him now and He is in us now, because now is when we need Him.
By Warren Rogers April 19, 2020
Doubt is manufactured by the limitation of sense knowledge evidence. You have to see beyond your present experience. The only way you can see beyond your experience is by faith. You must look into the realm of the unseen in order to possess the things of faith. No matter how impossible or hopeless things may look, you can propel yourself beyond the limitations of your present circumstances by the faith God has already given you. He has already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness--it just doesn’t look like it. Unbelief is to be ruled and dominated by your senses. Faith is to be ruled by the Word of God. There are no limitations with God. Your physical experience may be totally contrary to what the Word says. It is up to you as to what you believe. You must project your thinking out of the realm of the impossible into God’s realm of the possible. Jesus said, “All things are possible with God and to him who believes.” To be ruled by your senses is to be ruled by unbelief. Faith has nothing to do with your senses. That is why the Bible says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” What is there that is impossible with God? God is the God of the impossible. Project your thinking and believing beyond your experience and see things as God sees them. As a new creation in Christ, you are not tied to the limita¬tions of the flesh or your carnal mind. You are a creation of the Spirit. You are a believer like your Father who created all things by the Word of faith--“Let there be....” Boldly declare how God sees you through His Word. Boldly confess it with your mouth and believe it in your heart. You are what He says you are and you can do all things through Christ. He is your strength. Break the barrier your carnal mind would impose upon you by an open confession of the Word of God. God’s Word is truth. If God’s Word says you are something, you are. If God’s Word says, you already possess something, you do. If God’s Word says you can do something, you can. Therefore, no matter what your senses say, don’t make God’s Word a lie. “Let God be true and every man a liar.” You are a NEW creation in Christ by faith. You are not tied to the impossible. That is natural man’s realm. You are not a natural man. You are a Spiritual man. You are like God, the Creator. You boldly speak the Word of God about whom and what you are and you become what you say. Make your declaration of faith and God will stand behind your confession when that confession is based upon His Word. He says He watches over His Word to perform it; It will not return void. Don’t waiver. “He is faithful who has promised.” Hebrews 4:14 says, “Let us hold fast (secure) our confession of faith.” We are to hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end. Call the things that are not as though they were and they will become. Do not speak words of doubt, fear, and unbelief. Force your mouth to speak the Word of God. Remember Proverbs says, “A lying tongue is but for a moment, but the lip of truth is established forever.” Don’t let your dead carnal mind rob you of God’s truth. “All things are yours and you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.”--1 Cor.3:21-23 Amen.
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